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标题: Vision Accounting Firm 会计培训,实习; 会计服务;购房银行贷款 [打印本页]

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-1-10 14:11
标题: Vision Accounting Firm 会计培训,实习; 会计服务;购房银行贷款
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-9-15 20:29 编辑

Vision Accounting Home Loan:

我们的home loan紧密的和悉尼,墨尔本最大的home loan broker公司,N1 Finance建立了联系。


·        帮您免费向Westpac, ANZ, Bankwest, Commonwealth Bank, Suncorp, Homeside, StGeorge, Macquarie Bank, AMP 9大金融机构申请upfront valuation。也就是说,在您还没有申请贷款之前,就可以免费申请估价。比较适合refinance的客户。我们可以帮您申请两家到三家估价,您可以从中选一家您满意的银行,申请贷款,做到心中有数。

·        由于我们是 Westpac, Suncorp,Bankwest的白金级broker,我们可以直接对话这几家银行的BDM。我们的enquiry,他们承诺当日回答。这样就可以保证您在最短时间内得到反馈,保证您的贷款成功。

·        Discount rate:您还为寻找低interest  rate,选择银行,怀疑自己的借贷能力而辗转反侧吗?由于我们是由30个brokers组成大强大队伍。保证了我们和各大银行的话语权。我们可以帮你申请interest rate discount。同时,根据我们的经验,根据您的个人情况,为您设计贷款计划,保证您成功settled您梦寐以求的房产。

Vision Bookkeeping:
我们的团队由经验CPA会计师组成。为您提供高品质的bookkeeping服务。我们的客户有来自不同的领域 property development,restaurant,importing company,whole sale andretail company,registered training institution and so on。



·        会计系统的初始建立:MYOB,Quickbook,Xero。

·        建立公司财务管理的结构:Accounts payable; Accounts receivable; Bank Reconciliation;Monthly Financial Reports; Payroll.

·        库存管理系统和会计的结合。

·        日常帐目录入和管理。

·        年底报表审核,为您节省tax agent的费用。

·        透明:在初次咨询后确定费用,不会有隐性费用。
·        合理:回答客户的问题,无论是email或者电话,都不会另行收费。

Vision Accounting Training/Internship:

雇主需要什么?查看可以得出结论:Accounting handson skills;experience personal skills and interviewskills.

Vision Accounting training and internship可以提供你什么?

Accounting skills:AP/AR,Bank Reconciliation, Company credit card Reconciliation,Payroll processing, BAS preparation, Month ends reporting, statutory reporting,Budget and cash flow forecast, foreign currency transactions.

Experience: 参加VisionAccounting 的internship,积累真实工作经验。这样你才有资格敲开澳洲公司的大门,学有所用。

Personal skills: 培训课程当中,我们会根据讲课的内容,穿插如果工作当中遇到相关的工作内容,怎样和各个部门协调处理。同时,根据以往其他已经开始工作的学员的经验,怎样能在corporate environment里,和同事老板相处融洽,从而有个愉快的工作经历。

Interview skills:我们会不时地和大家分享其他学员面试的经验,并且根据trainer自己的经验,总结出面试的注意事项。并且,在面试前,我们可以免费帮你gothrough job requirement,尽最大努力帮你准备难得的面试机会。

Vision Accounting 作为你的referee 和mentor,帮你走上会计职业道路。我们一起为之努力。


·       CPA经验会计师英文主讲:trainer不仅有丰富的会计工作经验,同时还有丰富的教学经验。耐心的为您讲解。您不用担心问问题太多,而受到冷遇。

·        Free MYOB advance leveltraining:通过课程学习,对MYOB各个功能又全面的了解和应用。

·        课程内容设置基于雇主需求:课程结构是和雇主的对员工的要求设计。请查看 中的accounting job requirements,您会发现我们的course list和这些jobrequirements有惊人的相似。

·       Free resume modification:您的简历会由trainer亲自修改。trainer对雇主要求有透彻的理解和丰富的经验,同时,通过对您简历的修改,对您的背景有充分的了解,为将来做一份雇主满意的referencecheck打好基础。

·       Free excel :Advance level excel skills (Vlookup,sumif, PivotTable and so on)。Excel的作用在会计工作中不容小视, 被大量用于各种reconciliation和financial reports。有扎实的Excel技能,为您面试和将来的工作提供优势。

·        保证小班授课,随时开课:每个班新生不超过6人。Trainer就可以有足够精力照顾到每给人。每个月都会有新的培训课程,满足您的时间安排。

·        每个session 确保4小时授课时间:充裕的授课时间是保证课程质量的关键。Trainer为了保证您的听课效果,不会因为时间关系而忽略你的问题。如果有必要,有的班级还会免费加授课时间。学生永远不会有愚蠢的问题,只有认真的为提高自己的技能而生的问题。有问题永远比不懂装懂更聪明。

·       提供reference:参加internship后,我们会提供internship working reference。

·        免费试听:如果您对我们怎样才能帮助你找到工作仍旧不确定,欢迎参见免费试听课程。试听后,在作决定。

·        免费重听:以以往的经验,大部分学生在第一次听课过程中,并不能全部掌握所学内容。Vision Accounting提供免费重听。有新的课程开始,您可以通知预留位置。重听次数不限。为你提供最大的空间,自信满满的开始工作。

课程内容根据你job hunting的不同目标设置为两个level:
Level One

为您找到 Accounts all rounder,  Accounts clerk, Bookkeeper, Accounts payable and receivable clerk的工作而设置

Session 1

·          Accounts payable  control procedures in a corporate environment.
·          Practical skills  required for accounts payable officer – batching, matching, coding tax  invoices.
·          Tax invoice processing  in MYOB.
·          Payment organization  and processing
·          Suppliers statement  reconciliation
·          Month end assisting

Session 2

·          Accounts receivable  control procedures in a corporate environment.
·          Sales processing in  MYOB.
·          Payment collection  (email and phone manner)
·          Bad debt, credit  adjustment journals processing
·          Month end assisting

Session 3

Bank and credit card reconciliation

Session 4

GST reconciliation and  BAS preparation
·          GST reconciliation
·          BAS form preparation  and lodgement
·          Clearing jouranls  after BAS lodgement

Session 5

·          Payroll caculation and  processing in MYOB
·          Employee file set up  in MYOB
·          Superannuation  lodgement
·          PAYG withhoding tax  caculation
·          Payroll tax processing
·          Employee termination  procdedures and processing
·          Payroll tax processing

Session 6

EXCEL applied in  accounting

Level Two

为您找到 Assistant accountant,  Accounts all rounder, Accounts clerk, Bookkeeper, Accounts payable and  receivable clerk的工作而设置

Session 1

Fixed assets  management
·          Fixed asset  allocation.
·          Fixed assets register  updating.
·          Fixed assets disposal.
·          Journal processing.
·          Fixed assets related  accounts reconciliation.

Session 2

Prepayment, accrual
·          Prepayment- prepayment  reorganization, spread sheet updating, journal processing.
·          Accrual – accrual  journals and reconciliation.

Session 3

GL reconciliation
·          Other Balance sheet  items reconciliation – GST, PAYG, superannuation, petty cash, trade creditor  and trade debtor.

Session 4

P & L analysis,  Forecast, budget, cash flow
·          Profit & loss  report analysis.
·          Foreign currency gain  and loss.
·          Intercompany transactions.

Session 5

Budgeting and  forecast, cash flow forecasting and planning and audit assistance
·          Budgeting and  forecast.
·          Cash flow forecasting  and planning.
·          Audit assistance.

Session 6

EXCEL applied in  accounting

Level Three

为您找到 Assistant Management  Accountant, Inventory officer, Purchasing officer 的工作而设置

Session 1

Inventory control procedures
·          Set up SKU and  inventory items in system.
·          Inventory purchase and  sales processing.
·          Inventory reports  analysis.

Session 2

Inventory related accounts management and  reconciliation
·          Inventory accounts  reconciliation.
·          Inventory adjustment  and revaluation.
·          COGS accounts  management.

更苦恼的是有雇主给你打电话,你却不能 secure face to face的面试;或者面试当中;
那你来参加 interview course吧
·        Send resume to trainer
·        Trainer to go over resume
·        Research/job hunt
Session One: (two hours)
·        Introduction
·        Resume review, hints
·        Do’s and don’ts
·        Go over interview questions (types)
·        Questions – how to answer
·        Questions – behavioural
Session Two: (two hours)
·        Review
·        Phone interview basics
·        Prepare answers for behavioural questions
·        Prepare answers for technical questionsaccording to your abilities
Session Three: (two hours)
·        Review
·        Phone and face to face interview rehearsal

Rachel Hao
Senior Account
[email protected]
0451 944 868
Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-1-10 14:17
Hello Rachel

How are you?

did you have good chirstamas and new years holiday?

I hope you did!

Good news! I finally signed the contract and it's for 3 month probatioin again :(

But it's better than nothing :)

I'm very sorry for late contact, I moved to North of Brisbane (Nudgee Beach)

and try to settle down here..

Honestly, After I come home, I don't really want to look at computer ..

cos it reminds me of works hahahahaha

Have you heard from anyone of my classes?

I kind of keep contacting with Sonal.. she said she opend her shop at Capalaba.

but with rest of studetns I didn't contact them.. :(

I hope everyoone is good with their life.

anyway, please reply me when you can :)


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-1-18 09:06
Hello Rachel,

Thank you for being supportive to me all the time.

I am glad to inform you I have secured a position in a consulting agent. They actually do recruiting as well. So the interview tips I have got from you did work well with all the interviews.

I would like to share my interview experience with all other trainees.

Interview with agents:

1. Over the phone agents can ask you a lot of questions, get ready for that.

My very first telephone interview was with an agent. I was in a busy grocery shop and I did not want to lose any chance in getting a job. The lady over the phone asked me more than 10 questions. For example:

•        Can you tell me a bit about your self?
•        What’s the reason you applied for the position?
•        Why you resigned from last job?
•        Do you think what can be the motivation for work?
•        Can you be initiative? Give an example?
•        What’s your strength and weakness?
•        What do you think is the challenges in accounting area?
•        What’s your career plan in the following five years?
•        What type of team member you are?
•        What type of team I would like to work with?
•        Can you tell me any accomplishment in your work?
•        What’s your expected salary package?

This lady eventually invited me for a face to face interview in her office and put me in         her shortlist. During the interview, the lady emphasised the importance about the answer about initiatives and motivation which will definitely impress the possible employers. You need to make a short but impressing description about this point.

•        You have to bear this in mind. You have to be prepared to answer phone calls all the time when you are in job hunting. Thus you would know who you are talking to and have idea what you need to say. You’d better have some notes to help you answer the questions over the phone.
•        After you send out your resume, you shouldn’t think they might not response to your application. My experience is, sit down, grab a piece of paper, read the ads over and over again, try to think what questions they possibly ask if they call you. And prepare answer for that.

2. To impress the agents or employers by ringing them with brief but clear       introduction.

When I first started job hunting, I did not want to spend too long because I have been confident that I can find an idea job. When I saw a job advertised on Gumtree, and the description just matched what I learnt from Rachel, I think I am definitely capable for this position. I rang up this agent and impressed the agent by my brave and confidence. This agent helped me a lot including advising for modifying my resume better. I finally got a job offer from the agent with all his kind help.

•        It’s quite possible the agent show you impatient attitude over the phone. And most of them will ask you just send them a resume first. Please don’t be sacred of it because you are trying to win the 10% or maybe less opportunities. But at least you have tried and it works when you meet the right person.
•        Achievements in your resume are the sparkle for your skills.

3. Interview with employer

I got HR’s phone call from a construction company which is nearby me house. After confirm the expectation salary package and my language is ok, I was invited for an interview to their company.

The staff in this company did seem very friendly, but I was trying my best. During the interview, the finance manger passed me a water bill and asked me to find out the problem of this invoice. I was thinking that this is impossible to be so easy, and I spent half minute to look at the format of the invoice, the description, balance, but everything seems right. And then I told them that I can only say water bill doesn’t including GST and there is no mistake in this invoice. Amazingly, that was the answer they were after. The Human resources manager asked me about my MS Office skills and which functions I can use in Excel and Word. I am quite confident to describe functions as Rachel told me to prepare it, v-lookup and pivot table are good functions I can definitely show up. But for Word, it’s a bit hard to tell what function is exactly. I told them I can show them if they provide me computer. Everything seemed going alright. But the interview was ruined till the HR manager asked my visa status. The day after, I was told over the phone that I did not get this job. Well, I don’t like the company anyway.

•        Interview questions are all similar. Self-introduction is the important part to impress your interviewer. They will always ask the reason why you leave the previous job. A good presentation for your resume can impress yourself as will organised person.
•        When they ask if you have any questions, there are some questions you prepared beforehand maybe being answered during the interview. Try to prepare more questions just in case.

But please remember, follow what Rachel said during the class. And don’t give up anytime.



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-1-21 12:23
Hi all,

How have you been?

Please join me in congratulating one of our trainees, David successfully secure a bookkeeper position recently.

When I first time met him, he was such a quiet and shy guy. However, he is the one work really hard. I was surprised with the questions he asked during the class. I can tell he did his homework very well.

He said interview questions were easy. Sounds like he is lucky. However, again, I would say solid technical skills bring confidence to you. If you are suffering with interviews, please bare this in mind, no need to question yourself, we should thank the interviewers give us opportunity to accumulate our interview experience. And you are preparing for your “the one”.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: interview experience
Date:        Thu, 19 Jan 2012 21:55:24 +1000
From:        Peng
To:        "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Hi Rachel
Just let you know I have been working for a week. It is a bookkeeper position. I got the interview last Thursday from a employer. Nothing was tricky with the Interview questions. Employment history was enquired and what I did in former companies was asked. After that, we had a few gossipy. That is all.
good luck with all job seekers

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-2-7 20:28
Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Last Friday, our trainee, Angie went to an interview with a direct employer. She got this interview on Seek.

Interesting thing is the interviews didn’t ask her any technical questions. They only asked some general behaviour questions and mainly focused on team working aspect. Actually, I did expect those behaviour questions when I prepared the interview with her as in the job requirement, being an efficient team member took a lot space.

Some trainees confused how to prepare interview. I would say focus two points, your resume and the job requirements. Basically, you need to start with analysis how your experiences match up the requirements and what soft skills they would appreciate.   Then google the top 100 interview questions and see what questions they can ask related to that.

I also met up Scott who has successfully being working in an investment company since end of last year. The best of my job is getting good news that you all are doing well with your job or job hunting. However, I am not surprised he can be good with the job as he is prepared very well for this opportunity for long time in respect of both technical and behaviour side. He is the only one who can bring questions in after each class. Those who have already started the course are supposed to share the questions already. But can I ask how many of you have gone through those questions?  He actually took so many interviews either with agents and direct employers. He still kept contact with most of interviewers even though he hasn’t succeeded in those interviews. He is smart. I am pretty sure he will achieve his career goal in a relatively short period.

All in all, we all know an old saying; the opportunity is for those who prepare well. If you are taking interviews, please sharing your precious experience with us. So we all can learn from each other’s mistakes and successes.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

作者: amoooo    时间: 2012-2-20 10:45
这个课程是全实践课吗?level 1比如如何操作公司里具体的AR,AP,BOOKKEEPING等,在哪里上课?怎么收费的?什么时间上课?

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-2-20 21:29
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-2-20 21:31 编辑
amoooo 发表于 2012-2-20 10:45
这个课程是全实践课吗?level 1比如如何操作公司里具体的AR,AP,BOOKKEEPING等,在哪里上课?怎么收费的?什 ...

谢谢你的咨询。整个课程设置都是实践操作。例如AP,从怎么issue purchase order,matching,coding invs,organize payment,processing payment,怎么做eft payment,supplier statement reconciliation,等等。总之就是training后,你会掌握full function of accounts payble。更多详细信息,欢迎致电咨询。
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-2-20 21:35
acc-vision 发表于 2012-2-20 21:29
谢谢你的咨询。整个课程设置都是实践操作。例如AP,从怎么issue purchase order,matching,coding inv ...

之所以说是实践,是因为上课的myob file和documents都是真实data,模拟真实工作中的responsibilities。如果有意了解更多,请make appoitment,或者试听。
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-2-23 10:04
Hi all,

Hope you all are well.

Please join me in congratulating our trainees, Maggie and Cancel successfully secured accounting positions as Accounts All Rounder and Assistant Accountant respectively.

Cancel’s company is using SAP system. He secured the position without any SAP experience. The employers clearly mentioned during interview, System is not an issue and they would love to provide training. So for those who are worried that you are lack of SAP experience, please no need to be freaked out when you see the requirement of SAP. As cancel said, give it a go, there is no cost for you at all! I like his confidence.

You probably are suffering with your journey of job hunting. Some girls even said to me they feel like there is no hope to get a job at all. Let me tell you this, both Maggie and Cancel shared the same feeling as you before they got the job. They finished the training course last year. It also took them a couple of months finally to succeed in the interview. How many interviews did they go through, 5 or ten, even more? Some trainees haven’t finished the training, but have already been in interviews for so many times. Take your time to accumulate your interview skills. And after the interview, if you are not gone through, try to write down the problems and solutions. So be patient and stick on your goal. You will be there.

“There is nothing easy in a grown up’s life. The most difficult thing is usually most valuable one”. Let us work together.



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-3-1 20:14
Hi all,
How have you been?
Just would like to share some interview experience with you all.
Some trainees are continually having interviews. However unfortunately, so far we haven’t heard any good news from them yet. They seem like so depressed when they called me after the interview. But please bear this in mind; no one achieved their goals like a finger click. All of us have been through dark period first time when we look for job. I am sure yours is not the worst one. However, please have faith in yourself. If you don’t think you can, it’s impossible you would convince others you are the one.
Be confident.
How to build confidence? Strong technical skills. No other way. It’s not the first time that trainees have experienced technical skills test during the interview. If you don’t know about debit and credit, you are lucky you can get a job. Practice, practice and practice. Accounting software is so smart somehow as it helps you a lot with journals. But please always repeat the journals yourself after you use functions. During interview, you don’t have smart functions to let you know journals. It’s significant foundation of your accounting career.
Be prepared.
I remembered a trainee who has worked as AP clerk told me her story. She spent 3-4 hours every day to apply jobs. After she applied, she would write a note how her skills match the requirements. When they called, she exactly knew what the employers were after. Smart her.
Be determined.
Cancle has happily worked under the title assistant accountant for two weeks. And so far so good. Before this position, he got feedback from one company he had interview with. They said he was not sure what he actually wanted to do as a career. During the interview, they asked why you took CFA exam. He said as people surrounding me are taking it so do I. They asked if you want to focus finance or accounting area in future. He said I wouldn’t mind any to fit in your company. He realized the problems as well after the interview. We can show we are multi-tasked and wouldn’t mind getting our hands dirty. But not as a cleaner when you apply accounting job. No offence to Cancle. Truly thanks for his experience sharing.
All in all, you are prepared and skilled, then it’s just time. Trust yourself.
Finger cross to everyone.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-3-6 21:44
Hi all,

How have you been? Hope you all are well.

Just a quick email to share some interview feedback with you all. Hope you can learn from others’ experience.

A couple of our trainees have been through the technical tests during the interview with the direct employer recently. Unfortunately, we didn’t perform very well. Again, it approved that techniques are really basic for your job hunting.

Here are some technical questions, please check if you come across those ones, you can secure the position or not.

When you received tax inv, what do you need to do firstly?
Before you process tax inv in system for payment, what you need to do?  

Customer purchases goods from your company and the total amount is $1000 + $100 GST. But your company wouldn’t provide credit sale in total, so the customer need to pay 30% deposit on the spot, GST applied. What‘s the journal?
After the goods been delivered, issue the inv to customer. But customer agrees to pay 3% surcharge for Amex payment. What’s journal?
Scenario one: Customer paid by Amex for the outstanding amount and actually Amex charge you 7% on top of the total amount customer paid. What’s the journal?
Scenario two: Customer is not capable to pay you. You need to write down bad debt for the outstanding amount. What’s the journal?

Pivotable, vlookup and other general functions have been asked during interviews.

You also need to prepare the following popular behaviour questions. Prepare 5-6 stories to back up those behaviour questions.
How to handle difficulties during work?
How to meet deadline?
How to handle pressure from work?
How to prioritize your work?
How to organize your time?
If your manager/colleagues have been difficult, how you deal with the situation?
How you deal with the situation when you made mistakes during work?
How you solve the problems coming up in working?
What’s your strength and weakness?
What’s your achievement in your job?

When the interviewers phone you for a face to face interview, even they want to send you confirmation letter of the interview, please remember to try to get the name and phone No. of the person you talk with. Just say “can I get your name and phone No now? Just in case there is any misunderstanding I can still contact you.” Also if you are not sure about what’s the interview for, you can ask the job description. You probably can say “if it’s not too much trouble, can you please attach the job description with the email. I am really intended to prepare the interview well before I go”. It’s been a couple of times that trainees haven’t received any thing after the phone or they got no idea what the position is. You probably will cry for that.

Anyway, I am off for my lunch now. Hope you all have a good time for the rest of your week.



作者: crystal-jj    时间: 2012-3-10 20:06
amoooo 发表于 2012-2-20 10:45
这个课程是全实践课吗?level 1比如如何操作公司里具体的AR,AP,BOOKKEEPING等,在哪里上课?怎么收费的?什 ...

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-3-12 21:06
crystal-jj 发表于 2012-3-10 20:06

If you would like to know more about the detail, please call Rachel on 0451 944 868. Thanks.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-3-22 15:30
Hi all,
How are you? Hope you are well.
Just a quick update about the interviews.
As you may notice, recently the positions advertised are not that many. However, a couple of our trainees still consistently secured face to face interviews opportunities from both recruitment agents and direct employers. You do need to continuously apply for jobs even though you have received hundreds of rejections.
Another thing is, are you ready for the interviews? I found not many trainees actually did the practice after the training and not even seriously prepare their resumes. I am sorry to say, please do not waste your money. I suppose $1500 is not really a small amount for all of us.
A couple of trainees have got technical tests again during interviews. I actually think it’s easy way of interview as there is no personal emotion involved. You have solid skills, you get it. Straight forward.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you all.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-3-27 12:31
The new round of training session will be commenced on 2nd of April (Monday). Welcome to book a seat for trail class. The seats are limited, so hurry up!
作者: ambledream    时间: 2012-3-28 18:52
no graduates will get the job by taking this course ,trust me guys.
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-3-28 21:27
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-3-28 21:31 编辑
ambledream 发表于 2012-3-28 18:52
no graduates will get the job by taking this course ,trust me guys.

Ok, 90% of the trainees are graduates. I wouldn't say 100% of them have got jobs after the course as you need to go through face to face interviews. But you probably have been through the situation, as graduates, especially international graduates, without any practical skills quote in your resume, you would not received any response at all from the employers except rejection letters.
From the experience of those fresh graduates who have already secured their first accounting role, trust me guys, you can choose to give it go.
The reason we provide trail class is to dispel any concerns about the training course. If you are not happy, don’t pay. Simple, right?
I don’t know why you made the commands?   Have you got any bad experience? With Vision accounting? I don’t think so as my students are my friends. If other trainees can get jobs through the course but you cannot, think twice, what’s your weakness?
It’s not easy for job hunting for any one. It’s more difficult for grads. The course can make it easier, that’s all. At this stage, in this country, who can promise you a job?
Spending more time on reading our testimonials, you probably can learn some from others successful experience or failure . It doesn’t matter, if you enroll the course or not. I am happy if anything from Vision can help you out for your job hunting. If you are working in accounting area, it’s more helpful if you can share your accounting working experience with grads.
No pain, no gain.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-4-11 11:39
Hello all,
Hope you all had a lovely holiday!
Good news from one of our trainees, Shereen successfully secure an AP officer position in a large manufacturing company. It’s not a bad start as her first accounting role.
She only took two interviews exactly after she finished the course. Well done. Shereen and I went through the job requirements. Even the title is AP officer but actually the job requires assisting in month end. That’s the reason I recommend trainees to attend both bookkeeping and assistant accountant levels.
From her feedback, both of the interviews were really casual. There were no technical tests. With direct employer, it’s a bit hard to forecast the format of interviews. However, please do not think she got it only because she is lucky. Shereen’s communication skills are impressive. She is type of girl who is comfortable to talk with and mature. Those features are important to be successful in interviews.
Here is some experience for your resume preparation as well. Please try not to quote experience in hospitality industry on your resume. Usually, it doesn’t help for applying accounting positions. Unless, it’s something you can prove your skills and profile. For example, cash reconciliation daily, answering customer enquiries or handling customer complaints. And you need to have practical stories to back up. Just in case, you are asked during interviews. I would not provide stories for you personally. Like Shereen, after she deleted her experience as waitress, she got interview opportunities.
Thanks for her feedback and also please join me in wishing her all the best with her career.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-4-25 10:16
Hi all,
Please join me in congratulating Echo successfully secured a bookkeeper position.
She has started the job this week.
The interview was about technical test only. She was required to process a couple tax invoices in MYOB. Obviously, she did well to secure the job.
Actually, another trainee Vivian went through an interview and was tested processing tax invoices in MYOB as well.
I have to repeat it again, technical skills are important.
Wish Echo all the best.
Hope you all have a nice day.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-5-2 11:20
Hi all,
How is your job hunting?
Vision Accounting has supported lots of our trainees successfully secured their first accounting job. If you are struggling to get interview opportunities and find your ideal accounting job, please check the accounting training course with Vision Accounting.
The new round of accounting practical skills training will be available in two weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more details.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-5-28 09:10
Hi all,
How are you?
Recently, I did a couple of reference checks for our trainees. Most of them are with recruiting agents. The checks are quite successful. And the consultants gave the feedback to trainees that they will definitely be referred to clients. I am glad I can be helpful for your job hunting.
Honestly, I don’t think they do have clients to refer you to at this stage. But, please do not give up applying jobs with agents. From my experience, lots of trainees secured the position through agents.
It seems the job market is a bit quiet now. Usually, June and July are peak time for the market. That’s also the reason that recruiting agents are working hard to build up their database. You are one of them. As long as there are positions, they possibly will refer you to their clients if you are good enough. So please be patient.
At the same time, if you are taking interviews, if you have time, please share your experience with all others. Then we can learn from each other. Those trainees who have already been working in accounting area, please give us some feedback. It would be great if you can help others go through the difficulty of job searching.
The new round of class are launching now. If you have friends who are interested in the training, please do not hesitate to contact me. Reward for referral!
Hope you all have a nice week.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-5-29 09:36
Hi all,
Just a quick reminder about the reference check.
Recently, when I did reference checks for trainees, the employers or recruiting agents started to require me to provide my work email. So it must be my name with the company email address. Be careful, it will be risky if you provide fake references.
Usually, when they start to do reference check, as long as it is successful, you will secure the position. I recommend you treat your reference seriously.
All the best for your job hunting.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-6-7 22:04
Hi all,
Please join me in congratulating Maggie and Jessica who have successfully secured accounts all rounder and a graduate accountant role respectively. Those two roles are challenging considering the support and experience they will get from the companies.
Success wouldn’t be easy for everyone. Maggie has gone through a difficult period searching for relevant positions, with rounds of interviews, questioning and doubts from the interviewers.   But she didn’t give up at all “Brave girl”. If you are depressed and thinking you haven’t got any luck, please be patient and stay focused on job hunting. And most importantly, don’t give up.
Jessica is efficient. She hasn’t even finished the training course. But I quite admire her personality. She’s humble, considerate, friendly and eager to learn. That’s what I said to her employer when the lady did the reference check. I told them they made a great decision. When you are in corporate, you will find things going smoothly if your personality is standing out.
All in all, well done girls!
Meanwhile, Min has gone through a couple of interviews with recruitment agencies. And he is getting positive feedback and the reference checks went well for him. So for Min, it’s just a  matter of time before he secures a position. Min said he was surprised after he followed my suggestion to use an Anglicised name rather his original given name on his resume and after I tweaked his resume’s layout, he started to get more interviews. Thanks to Min. This is a very rewarding time for him.
Loan has gone through two interviews. Loan sent me an email to share her interview experience. She was asked some general technical questions like how do you do AP and AR. They also asked her questions about the industry of the client she looked after. So be prepared for those types of questions in interviews.
Kazi got an offer for a position from a public practice firm, but the conditions weren’t acceptable. But he is doing well with another firm, regarding the interview process. Working in public practice is his dream. I am glad he is working hard to accomplish his work goals. We hope he will secure a position soon.
Please send your thanks to those who are sharing their successful stories and good experience with us. This is really exciting moment for all those concerned.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-6-12 09:29
Hi all,

Good news from one of our trainees, Kazi! He got the offer from a public practice firm. Please join me in wishing him all the best for his career.

Some trainees asked me what the difference between working in corporate and firm. At the beginning, you will get more pay if you work in corporate. However, in large company, if you don’t have Tax and audit background, it’s almost no chance you can be senior accounts manager or FC. Where you can get audit and tax experience? From top notch public practice firm. So it’s about your career goal. Tax and audit knowledge can help you success in corporate.

Also, I recently received feedback from a couple of trainees who are working in accounting area now. They have practically got scene about accounting jobs now which is good. Some cases are so interesting. I will gradually share them to you.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the holiday.



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-6-21 13:12
Good morning all,
Good news from our trainee Cheng. He secured an accounts officer role in an export and import company. Please join me in congratulating him to start his career in accounting industry.
Recently, as you may know, the job market is tough. However, from the feedback from our trainees, they can still get interviews and some of them have gone through the second round. Please do not give up searching jobs.
Cheng spent around 2 months to finally secure the position. It hasn’t been easy time for him. I appreciate he called me every time after his interview to share his experience with us. He did a couple of interviews with recruitment agents. He got the position directly from employer. However, please do not give up having interviews with agents as looking for jobs for competent candidates is their source of income. Trust me, if you have reasonable skills they will work hard for you; if you have decent skills and experience, they will desperate to secure a job for you.
The interview with agent usually is easy.  For entry level positions, they might test your Excel level and typing speed. Most of time, they will go through every single details of your resume. So before the interview, read your resume carefully and definitely prepare question “tell me what you do in Vision accounting; what is your daily work in Vision accounting; is there anything you are proud of in your work?” And make sure your answer is organized and logical. As I mentioned in the class, behavior questions like “how you handle dead line; how you handle pressure; and how to organize your time” are popular questions. You need to provide practical examples.
Cheng will send us some interview experience later. And one thing you need to remember and I tell his many times: be patient to yourself and do not give up when you think there is no chance for you. It’s only the matter of time when you have got practical skills. Wish you all the best as well.

作者: Daisy6    时间: 2012-6-27 22:20
Dear Rachel.

感谢你会计的培训.在每一个session四个小时的training,将工作内容技能,MYOB, Excel, Interview tips和经验提取精华部分升浅处入..........问题我们不明白时or 挣扎时, 你一一耐心的表述 and解决………我们所得到的收获,真的不能用语言来表达。

To 面对找工作的竞争and跨越理论到实践的同学:
Before making decision for 实践会计培训, Remember, please attend试听first .All成功,需要时间和机遇,请再执着一点,耐心一点,你一定能得到你的机会.

特别要感谢的, CPA经验会计师 -Rachel,你让我们在找工作的路上觉得温暖不孤单.All the best wishes to面对找工作的竞争and跨越理论到实践的同学.

Behalf on Group of 学员

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-7-3 21:04
Daisy6 发表于 2012-6-27 22:20
Dear Rachel.

感谢你会计的培训.在每一个session四个小时的training,将工作内容技能,MYOB, Excel, Inte ...



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-7-3 21:31
Hi all,
Good news from one of our trainees, Teresa. She successfully secured a graduate position in an accounting firm.
Her situation might be same as yours. She doesn’t have PR, just graduated and no local accounting working experience except the trainee accountant experience with Vision. So if it sounds like you, starts your job searching now, don’t give up. There is no excuse.
She is determined and motivated. She got a couple of interviews from calling the firms straight away on the numbers she got from yellow page. Good try and she got the job from one of them. And at the same time, I did reference check for her with another commercial company and it went well. I am pretty sure they will offer her the AP position. But she has accepted the offer from the accounting firm.
You can follow her way and just make a couple of phone calls. Show your confidence and you probably can get something. It’s nothing hurt anyway.
Wish you all the best for your job search.
Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

作者: kevin.kong    时间: 2012-7-18 11:44
Rachel 的课讲得很好,很实用,每次课基本上都会超过四个小时,因为课程容量大,有很多的信息。 谢谢Rachel. 我认识的好几个同学都是在这里学过之后找到工作的。  个人觉得课很有用,很有收获,希望我上完之后也能像那几个同学一样,迅速的找到工作。Good luck to all of us!
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-7-26 07:54
kevin.kong 发表于 2012-7-18 11:44
Rachel 的课讲得很好,很实用,每次课基本上都会超过四个小时,因为课程容量大,有很多的信息。 谢谢Rachel ...


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-8-17 09:13
Hi all,
Hope you are well.
Just a quick update of the interview feedback from Min. Min is quite active with job searching and he got a couple of interviews with public practice firms. They are still in processing but he did not bad. Wish him best luck.
I remember first time when I did reference for him with a recruitment consultant, the agent mentioned Min was so nervous and almost shaking. But now, you can sense Min is so confident to handle interviews. That’s the time Min secures a role.
Those roles Min interviewing with were graduate accountants. The interview questions were not difficult. Just some general interview questions like, tell me something about yourself and what are you doing in Vision Accounting. The beauty of taking interviews for graduate accountant role is they don’t expect you have strong technical skills as long as you are keen to learn, a fast learner, motivated, working hard, humble and having good communication skills. Try to prepare for answering behavior questions related to those topics.
I notice a lot of trainees are really interested in working in public practice firm. Set up your goal, put up your mind on it and work hard towards it. It might take time, but do not give up.
Enjoy your weekend and talk soon.
Rachel Hao

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-9-13 09:11
Hi all,
Please join me in congratulating Tina successfully secured a junior accountant role in a medium size company. She has started her work this Monday.
She is a graduate and only got experience with Vision Accounting. However, in the reference check, the employer mentioned they do appreciate her background in finance industry overseas. If you had any office, finance and accounting related work experience back in your country, please feel free to add them in your resume. Plus the local experience with Vision Accounting, you will have more chance to kick start your career in accounting industry.
Tina will send me more feedback to share her job hunting experience with all of us. I will forward it to you as soon as I receive it.
Wish her all the best for her career.
Rachel Hao

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-9-19 21:42
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-9-20 09:33 编辑

Hi all,

Another piece of good news from one of our trainee Kerry. She successfully secured a role as Assistant Accountant in a service company. Congratulations to her!

It’s not surprised for me as she has a mature character with strong accounting skills. And she’s always been humble and kind to everyone. In the reference check yesterday afternoon, the employer focused on asking questions related to initiative, problem solving and technical skills. That’s really the thing employers are looking for.

She’s send us her job searching experience. Please seriously read through it and learn from it.

Wish her well in any future and endeavors she will take.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: job hunting experience
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:32:57 +1000
From: kerry <>
To: [email protected]

Dear all,

Here are my experience to get the interview:

l         When I was looking for the job in SEEK, I was not only looking for the accounting position under the accounting category, but also Administrative & Office support  category. This AA position was posted under Administrative & Office support category.

l         Do not bother to write the criteria when the company required. Most of job seekers do not like to spend time on criteria so the chance to get interview is higher when we do that.

For the interview, the employer asked me lots of questions according to the job requirements. For example, if the customer does not want to pay to us, what would you do? (Account Receivable). So practice interview questions more according to the job requirement.

When they ask me some specific job I have not done before, I just tell them the truth because they are professional accountant and they can tell I was making the stories or not, but try to give other working experience example related to that job. For example, they asked me “Have you done the fund investment before.” I said No. But I gave them example the accounting projects for the company engaging in security investment.

Hope you all get the desirable job soon!

Please find the attached criteria example for your reference.



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-9-20 08:34
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-9-20 09:32 编辑


Hi all,

Please join me in sending many thanks to Tina.

As you may know, she secured a junior accountant role and has started her work last work. Below, she shared her job hunting experience with us. It’s such helpful. Please take time to read it and hopefully you can use her experience in your job searching.

Wish her all the best. Again, please do not give up for chasing your goal.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Repeat.Thanks Rachel.Interview feedback from Tina
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 17:26:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: TinaLin Lin <>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Dear Rachel.

How have you been after repeat training session 10? I firmly believe that you are working hard to help all of trainees to get starting job in Australia.

I would like to say a million thanks to you for providing detail course training and mentor supporting.

Last Tuesday, I got an offer straight away after your reference check for me so I would like to share my interview experiences with you and others trainees. It is a service company has 30 branches in New South Wale and Queensland. My position is Junior Accountant in the permanent fulltime base. Majority of my role is Bank Reconciliation and assist A/R, A/P, FA when I am familiar with large volume of daily bank reconciliation.

I found this job information on SEEK .com, private advertisers in Gold Coast Region.
This company advised quiet straight forward that it is a challenge position with large amount of transaction.
First run interview was with company accountant, my future boss, in the head of office for half hour. The interview was quiet relax and went through straight forward. She asked me list of questions.
1.      The first couple of questions relate to behavior questions that you have been mentioned in the training session and email so I have prepared them regarding myself.

2.      After it, I said I got experience in Vision Accounting as part timer and now I am looking for a full-time position that I can bring my previous finance working experience overseas to become my starting fulltime accounting job in Australia.

3.      She asked me what the different work in firm and bank? I said, generally, there is no much different, customer service. In Vision Accounting, majority job is bookkeeping as junior accountant. I really appreciate my Senior Accountant has been taught me a lot and she still considers my job searching and sends me email regularly.

4.      She mentioned about we are commercial environment. I said I will adopt any culture environment easier.

5.      She asked what type of job I like best in Vision Accounting. I said Bank Reconciliation as I am good and sensitive with number then A/P and FA.

6.      Regarding Accounting principle, she asked me a very simple question what the different between cash and accrual base for journals entry. I just said an simple example.

The last step, I showed my Current Policy Check and overseas Resign Letter. The only reason I would like to prove my honest and keen to get this position. After two days, she called me for 2rd run interview to arrange the time with her accounting team.

In the second run interview, most likely social chatting with her 6 staff members for around 20 mines. I think the purpose for this interview that they just want to know I can adopt into their culture as it is a team work. Afterward, Company Account asked me to provide referee and will discuss with her team then let me know next day.
Generally, my tips for applying job I usually looked job description first then ask myself that” Am I able to pass potation time if I receive an offer” If it is YES, then applied it and saved the job description into draft email. The Subject would be” Date of applies, position, location and company name”. Every morning, I read through those emails that I have sent within a week. Even though I only applied around 5 emails every day, I knew each job when I got phone call. I spent more time on interview preparation and daily review training material, MYOB and Excel skills. I tried to perform my best in each interview. After interview, I would know I suit the job and placement culture or no. By the way, one more tips that I always bring one to two supporting documents with me for each interview to prove my ability and dress my special.

Rachel, thank you again for your positive reference feedback so that I can get the position straight away. Last week, the Company has signed a permanent fulltime position with me and has done induction. I started this position this Monday.

Anyhow,all the best to all of trainees and believe own self and the useful training sessions.

16h Sep 2012

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-10-2 21:09
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Lin who has secured a graduate accountant position in a medium size company and sending our thanks to her for sharing her experience with us.

The company provides full on training and support of studying CPA.

Hope you can learn something from her success.

And wish you all have a nice long weekend.



-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Lins interview experience
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 19:18:42 +1000
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Hi Rachel,

A million thanks to you for your help on my job searching. I will not be able to get the job without your help! I cannot say enough thanks to you! You have been such a supportive mentor! I can only say that it was such a good decision to have the internship with Vision Accounting! I will start on 8 October and I will get my contract tomorrow.

I do not have a lot of experience on interviews as I have not had many. But I would like to share the questions I was asked as they were quite tough and the interview lasted for one and a half hour.

The lady interviewed me is my current employer. She did not look at my résumé during the interview as she said most of people exaggerate in their resumes. She first asked me what my idea about this position and then she introduced me what the position was about. Then she asked me if it is really what I wanted. I answered her very confidently that I really like the position and gave some reasons. I think reasonable reasons why you want to work with them is very persuasive to the employer that you know what you want and you have your own ideas. Not just apply for it because it is a JOB.

I will list the questions I was asked below as there were quite many.

For behavioral questions:

What do you know about us? Do a little research about the company and find out what is the special part of it and highlight it.

Tell me what your strengths are?

What is the biggest mistake you made and how did you solve it?

What is your biggest weakness?

How do you describe yourself?

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

How do you keep you work on track?

How do you deal with people you will work with? How do you overlook their behavior? As my role is to be trained to supervise the accounting team in the future, management skills are important if you have some. I said communication is the most important thing working in a team. Dealing with people you need patience. So I gave an example that I dealt with difficult customers to show I am patient. Giving examples are important. It can show that you are good with communication as well as showing your skills. I also talked a lot during the interview, kind of like chatting with her. It can relax yourself and let the interviewer know you more. We talked about our life, immigration and many personal matters. But I always made sure that what I said was positive for her to know what kind of person I am and was able to give me credit, because after all I was still in the interview.

What inspires you?

What was the worst situation that you had to make a decision and how did you do it?

What do you want me to remember you? This was the last question I was asked. Be a bit funny. Aussies like joking whenever they can. they always like to work with fun people instead of boring ones. so show them your sense of humor. Before I made a list of my personality, I said well, I know what I hope you not to remember. I hope you DONOT remember me talking too much.

Always think for a couple of second when you are asked a question instead of making the interviewer feel you have prepared before just like everybody else.

For technical questions:

What accounts do you think need to be closed at the end of month? Apparently I was the only one got it right from all the people she interviewed. Again, reviewing what we learnt at the classes with Rachel is really important!

Your excel skill, including vlookup, pvtable, formulas, what is your level? I had an excel test after the second interview. Almost all of the functions tested were covered during the training classes with Rachel.

When you find out the signature on the invoice received was not the authorized person, what do you do?

I am sure there were more but I can only remember these many.

During the second interview, I met the owner of the company. Most of the time we were just chatting. But try to fit in the conversation. Do not keep quiet! Tell them your owner experience on what they are talking. I know it is hard for us because of the language barrier. But you can use others people's experience but being able to communicate is very important.

why do you want to work with us? This is a tricky question. I focused on the position description and the size of the company. I said I have more opportunity with medium sized company and can grow with it which I cannot in a large company.

What's your future plan?

Why do you want to leave your current job?

One more thing I think it is very important is at the end of interview, they always ask if you have any question for them. Always ask some questions. It shows your positive attitude and you are really interested in the position. You can find some on the Internet. I asked what's the plan for the accounting team and what's your expectation to me in the position after 6 months if I get the position. I was surprised how much info I got from this question.

That was all about my interview. I hope it can help all of you to get an accounting job! All the best guys and thank you again for everything Rachel!

Best wishes


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-10-19 08:40
Good morning all,

Please join me in congratulating Crystal and Selena secured collection officer roles in same company.

Trainees of Vision Accounting might still remember that in the first training session, Accounts Receivable, I mentioned Collection officer role is not really a good start for your career because there is not much accounting skills involved. The reason I recommended them to take the offers because the employer said within their company they did promote their collection officers to finance roles. And collection responsibilities will be a big challenge for them. If they can perform well, it’s definitely approval of their communication skills.

Selena was surprised she could secure the position as she wasn’t interested in this role at the beginning. She only would go for the interview to accumulate her interview skills. She wasn’t nervous at all. That’s why the interview went smoothly and easily.

I did expect Crystal and Selena would kick start their accounting career shortly after the training course because both of them are serious for the course. They could do their homework properly and brought questions in. I never doubt about their practical skills.  

Wish them all the best and if anyone is taking interview or has worked in accounting position, please let me know. I appreciate if you can share your experience with us.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-10-19 08:49
Hi all,
As you might know, Crystal and Selena have started to work as their collection officers.
When I did reference check, the lady mentioned about their previous experience as sales. If you have part-time, non-accounting related experience before, please quote them in. Also, people have achievements in other areas as hobby, please add in your resume as well. You never know what employers are interested in. We will help you to polish your experience so that it will guarantee you interview opportunities.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-10-19 08:50
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-10-19 08:50 编辑

Hi all,

People always enquired how to kick start their accounting career. I would say first is about practical skills, second is about reference on your resume, last is good timing.

In accounting job market, usually February and July are peak time. However, are you ready for the coming opportunities? Have you got your practical skills and reference?

Vision Accounting is organizing the last round of training course before December holiday. If you are still struggling with job searching with no response after you apply for jobs, please consider to spend some time to improve your practical skills.

Below is the training course list:


Session 1: AP

•Accounts payable control procedures in a corporate environment.
•Practical skills required for accounts payable officer – batching, matching, coding tax invoices.
•Data processing in MYOB.
•Organize payment with M-Power function of MYOB.
Session 2: AR

•Accounts receivable control procedures in a corporate environment.
•Sales processing in MYOB.
•Payment collection.
Session 3: Reconciliation.

•Credit card reconciliation
•Bank reconciliation
Session 4: Payroll

•PAYG withholding tax.
•Payroll tax processing.
•Employee termination.
Session 5: BAS

•GST reconciliation.
•IAS processing.
•GST clearing journals after BAS lodgement.
Assistant Accountant

Session 1: FAR Management

•Fixed asset allocation.
•Fixed assets register updating.
•Fixed assets disposal.
•Journal processing.
•Fixed assets related accounts reconciliation.
Session 2: Prepayment and accrual

•Prepayment- prepayment reorganization, spread sheet updating, journal processing.
•Accrual – accrual journals and reconciliation.
Session 3: Other Balance sheet item reconciliation

•Other Balance sheet items reconciliation – GST, PAYG and superannuation.
Session 4: Reports analysis, foreign currency transactions and intercompany transactions

•Profit & loss report analysis.
•Foreign currency gain and loss.
•Intercompany transactions.
Session 5: Budgeting and forecast, cash flow forecasting and planning and audit assistance

•Budgeting and forecast.
•Cash flow forecasting and planning.
•Audi assistance.
Assistant Management Accountant

Session 1: Inventory control procedures

•Set up SKU and inventory items in system.
•Inventory purchase and sales processing.
•Inventory reports analysis.
Session 2: Inventory related accounts management and reconciliation

•Inventory accounts reconciliation.
•Inventory adjustment and revaluation.
•COGS accounts management.
Business services/ Public practice

•ATO Payment Analysis
•BAS Reporting & Practice
•Basic Double Entry Theory & Practice
•Partnership Accounts & Tax Return
•Advanced Double Entry Adjustment, Reconciliation & Practice
•Company Accounts & Tax Return
•Division 7A issues and Case Analysis + Practice
•FBT Calculation & FBT Return & Practice
•Franking System & Practice
•GST analysis & Practice & Annual GST Return
•Trust Accounts & Tax Return
•Capital Gains Calculation and Treatment on Various entities
•Basic Individual Tax Return
•Comprehensive Individual Tax Return
•Group Structure Accounts & Tax
•Basic Tax Planning
•Resume & interview guidance

Note: the list above includes all courses we provide. For your individual schedule, please refer to the course you enrolled.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0451 944 868.

Rachel Hao

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-11-14 22:01
Hi all,

Good news from three of our trainees in last couple of weeks.

Michelle secured a graduate position in an accounting firm. She just finished her training in one week and only went through two interviews. Well done. She has started her job last week. Michelle said the interview was in a casual way.  The reference check was quite straight forward. The employer only asked how is her technical skills, computer literacy and if she can work under less supervision.

J.J. will start to work in a family business on Monday. Like Michelle, J.J. hasn't been waiting for too long to secure the position since she finished the training, maybe about one to two weeks. I still remember how stressful she was for her job searching when she first started the training as she has been graduated for almost one year. But good thing for her was she could learn from mistakes of interviews she has been through. She knew she couldn't secure a position because she was lack of solid technical skills. So she did work hard to achieve those skills through the training. The first round face to face interview took her 2 hours and second one even about 4 hours. Without solid technical skills and good communication skills, she wouldn't secure the position.

From J.J.’s experience, if you have been through some interviews, please summarize the reasons why you can’t be successful. Please do not tell me the only reason is you are not lucky. We can’t rely on luckiness.

Crystal has secured an Assistant Accountant role. You might know actually Crystal did get a collection officer role a couple weeks ago. However, after that she got this interview and she nailed the position. Obviously, AA position is a lot better than the collection officer as there will be a big challenge and improvement for her skills, at the same time, a step up of her career. I am so happy and proud of her achievement. She is one of the most impressive trainees of Vision Accounting. On top of her high GPA and good communication skills, she is passionate about what she is working on and appreciated other’s suggestions.

Interviews are all about showing your skills and personality. You need to work out how you impress the interviewers. We can sharp up our skills through intensive practical training and practice. In terms of personality, firm hand shaking, confident tone when you talk, and a warm nice smile might help.

Please join me in congratulating those girls again and wish them all the best for their career.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-11-19 07:04
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Selena secured an assistant accountant role in a mining company.

She actually got a collection officer role a couple weeks ago. She resigned from this position after one week she stared as she clearly knew this role wasn’t the one she wanted. Then she concentrated on searching jobs which were more accounting skills involved. She did it! Her experience proved again, if you put up your mind on it, you can achieve it.

Selena is such a brave girl and with that, she did work hard towards her goal.

We all wish her best for her career.

Below she shared her job searching experience with us. Many thanks to her. Please take time to read her email.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Interview feedback
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:25:34 +1000
From: Selena Ni Li <>
To: <[email protected]>

Hi Rachel,

I've already successfully secured a accounting role with a mining company and starting the new job on the following Monday. I would like to say big thank you to you and I do appreciate the time and efforts you've been puting in during the training. Without the experience you have provided to us and your hard-working, I couldn't get this job opportunity and be able to successfully secure this role. Thank you, thank you and even more...

Besides sharing this good news with you I also would like to share a bit more regarding job hunting with other students.

•Practical experience - this is a must have element for job searching. Even though you are going for a junior/graduate accountant role, you'll notice that employers are still hoping you are the one with some local experience in accounting field.

•Resume - this is the first impression you are going to leave with your prospect employer so you must get it professionally done. For those who have done a great job on your study, definitely put down your exceptional GPA which will highlight your application and leave a impressive impression to your future boss.

•Job searching on public resources - this is a leading path to your future success. I would suggest people to do this part wisely and in quanlity but not in quantity. I've always been hearing people complainting how many jobs they have been applying for each day but with nothing in return. You got to know you have to apply for the right job instead of applying for every single job posted on Seek. So you need to read the Job ads carefully and see how many skills you have matched up with job descriptions. if the percentage is over 70%, then apply. and you will have a high possibility of chance getting an interview with employers.

•Phone manners - now you possibily getting some phone calls from employers for a short telephone interview. Always ansewer the phone in a professional way and  talk with a smile on your face because your positive and up tone will convey to the other end of the wire.

•Before the interview - practice possible interview questions as many times as you can. If you have flatmates, do some role plays with them.

•During the interview - Be confident, positive and yourself. Think before you say and when you say please make sure it's in a firm tone. Don't be shy to share your personal experience during the interview and to show how much courage you have taken to make a change in your life and how hard you have been working in a different culture.

Well, above are the experience I would like to share. I wish the others all the best in their job search.



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-11-24 08:19
Hi all,

How have you been? Hope you all are well.

This email is sharing the successful job searching experience of one of our trainees, Sherry Lu. Sherry has secured a tax accountant role in a public practice firm. I am so glad she can follow her dream of career.

Sherry took the weekend training course as she worked full time in hospitality area. Even this, she could manage to finish her home work. Her commitment to the course and job searching paid her back. She secured this role not long after she finished the whole course. You might be in the same situation as her. When you complain that no one offers you opportunity, you have to think carefully how much energy and time you have spent on improving your skills and job searching? Just click “send” without putting any experience in your resume and adjusting your resume according to job requirements doesn’t secure you a job.

Sherry has been through a couple of interviews before this one. But she never failed with technical questions. The first one she didn’t perform well was about behavior questions. Good thing was she could learn from the experience and prepared behavior questions very well after this. Second one was with a small family business. She turned off the offer as she though it wasn’t the right one for her. This job was only part related to accounting. After that she nailed this tax accountant role.

Sherry will share more detailed experience with us soon.

Please join me in wishing her all the best.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-11-29 09:03

Hi all,

Please join me in sending many thanks to Sherry for sharing her valuable experience to us.

I appreciate she can spend time on sharing her experience to help us. It's her first week being working as a tax accountant. I can imagine how busy she is and not mention she has to suffer such long commute from work to home.

Thanks again and please try to learn from her experience.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: RE: interview feedback from Sherry
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 19:54:41 +1000
From: "sherry" <>
To: <[email protected]>

Dear Rachel,

Sorry to get back to you late. I signed the contract with my employer on Monday and has started working as a tax accountant in the firm. The company is keen to training me up quickly so that i have been very busy and exhausted from work everyday.

I would like to thank you very much. I appreciate a lot for your efforts that you have made to assist with my job hunting process and accounting practical skill training sessions, which have been the key reasons for me to get interview opportunities and to secure this job finally.

Additionally, my job hunting and interview experiences will be shown below to share with other students.

1.       You have to always believe that you are an experienced accountant once you have done Vision Accounting training sessions. All the skills Rachel has taught are how accountants do it in real life. Therefore, once you have known it you are experienced. I had never been questioned when I answered interview questions using course material. Instead, all the interviewers were happy with what i answered based on Rachel’s course material.

2.       You have to apply jobs every day. Opportunities may be missed out just on the day when you don’t apply. It would be great if you arrange just 30mins a day to send your CV wherever you can (focus on Seek). For those positions you are interested the most, tailor your CV a bit accordingly.

3.       You have to apply every job ads as long as they are within accounting area. Don’t be afraid if you see the requirements of the position sound high or you may not able to do it. Just send the CV through! What you can lose? Only 5 seconds! However, you may get a big surprise. The job i just got is the one i didn’t think i would even be contacted.

4.       You must dressed up very professionally when you attend an interview.  Just make yourself look as good as you can, this will show you are a candidate who will potentially  conduct tasks as good as you can.

5.       You are suggested to bring with EVIDENCE( not in your CV) which can show you are an outstanding candidate for the company. You will also need to explain why the evidence is important to show etc.

6.       You must read the job description carefully and highlight the key points. What you are going to do with this is that you project what questions would be asked during the interview. If anything related to these points wasn’t asked by the interviewers, you must find a chance to let them know you have the qualities they want. You must grab any chance to sell yourself to them, not just to answer their questions only. (Thanks very much to Rachel for helping me forecast interview questions giving me great idea of preparing it)

7.       You must send a thank you letter afterwards. I can’t addressed more how important is this. For positions especially  those require “ strong written communication skill”, this is a chance to show your written skill to the interviewer.

I wish all you guys have good luck and thanks Rachel again.

Kind regards,


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, 23 November 2012 10:26 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: interview feedback from Sherry

Hi all,

How have you been? Hope you all are well.

This email is sharing the successful job searching experience of one of our trainees, Sherry Lu. Sherry has secured a tax accountant role in a public practice firm. I am so glad she can follow her dream of career.

Sherry took the weekend training course as she worked full time in hospitality area. Even this, she could manage to finish her home work. Her commitment to the course and job searching paid her back. She secured this role not long after she finished the whole course. You might be in the same situation as her. When you complain that no one offers you opportunity, you have to think carefully how much energy and time you have spent on improving your skills and job searching? Just click “send” without putting any experience in your resume and adjusting your resume according to job requirements doesn’t secure you a job.

Sherry has been through a couple of interviews before this one. But she never failed with technical questions. The first one she didn’t perform well was about behavior questions. Good thing was she could learn from the experience and prepared behavior questions very well after this. Second one was with a small family business. She turned off the offer as she though it wasn’t the right one for her. This job was only part related to accounting. After that she nailed this tax accountant role.

Sherry will share more detailed experience with us soon.

Please join me in wishing her all the best.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868


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作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-1-5 18:19
Hello all,

Hope you all had a nice Christmas.

I would like to share some good news from one of our interns, Yang. He successfully secured an invoicing coordinator role in a listed company. He will start his new position in 2013.

Yang’s international business background was one of the reasons he has secured this position. So if you have had any office working experience, even you think it’s not related to accounting, please include that information in your resume. It might still help you out.

Please join me in wishing Yang all the best for his career.

I wish you all a happy new year. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is being successful in acquiring an accounting position, and you are having difficulties with securing it, please do not hesitate to contact Vision Accounting. The latest round of training course will be commenced in middle of January 2013. Please feel free to send your enquires through email.

Below is the course list.


Session 1: AP

•Accounts payable control procedures in a corporate environment.
•Practical skills required for accounts payable officer – batching, matching, coding tax invoices.
•Data processing in MYOB.
•Organize payment with M-Power function of MYOB.
Session 2: AR

•Accounts receivable control procedures in a corporate environment.
•Sales processing in MYOB.
•Payment collection.
Session 3: Reconciliation.

•Credit card reconciliation
•Bank reconciliation
Session 4: Payroll

•PAYG withholding tax.
•Payroll tax processing.
•Employee termination.
Session 5: BAS

•GST reconciliation.
•IAS processing.
•GST clearing journals after BAS lodgement.
Assistant Accountant

Session 1: FAR Management

•Fixed asset allocation.
•Fixed assets register updating.
•Fixed assets disposal.
•Journal processing.
•Fixed assets related accounts reconciliation.
Session 2: Prepayment and accrual

•Prepayment- prepayment reorganization, spread sheet updating, journal processing.
•Accrual – accrual journals and reconciliation.
Session 3: Other Balance sheet item reconciliation

•Other Balance sheet items reconciliation – GST, PAYG and superannuation.
Session 4: Reports analysis, foreign currency transactions and intercompany transactions

•Profit & loss report analysis.
•Foreign currency gain and loss.
•Intercompany transactions.
Session 5: Budgeting and forecast, cash flow forecasting and planning and audit assistance

•Budgeting and forecast.
•Cash flow forecasting and planning.
•Audi assistance.
Assistant Management Accountant

Session 1: Inventory control procedures

•Set up SKU and inventory items in system.
•Inventory purchase and sales processing.
•Inventory reports analysis.
Session 2: Inventory related accounts management and reconciliation

•Inventory accounts reconciliation.
•Inventory adjustment and revaluation.
•COGS accounts management.

Business services/ Public practice

•ATO Payment Analysis
•BAS Reporting & Practice
•Basic Double Entry Theory & Practice
•Partnership Accounts & Tax Return
•Advanced Double Entry Adjustment, Reconciliation & Practice
•Company Accounts & Tax Return
•Division 7A issues and Case Analysis + Practice
•FBT Calculation & FBT Return & Practice
•Franking System & Practice
•GST analysis & Practice & Annual GST Return
•Trust Accounts & Tax Return
•Capital Gains Calculation and Treatment on Various entities
•Basic Individual Tax Return
•Comprehensive Individual Tax Return
•Group Structure Accounts & Tax
•Basic Tax Planning
•Resume & interview guidance

Note: the list above includes all courses we provide. For your individual schedule, please refer to the course you enrolled.


Rachel Hao.

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-1-11 15:43
Good morning all,

This email is regarding to a career fair hloding in Brisbane shortly. Potentially, it's your job opportunity. If you have time, please register. Give it a go, you might get opportunities through it.
You need to register with
the link is

Date: Monday 25th March 2013
Time: 11.00am - 2.00pm
Place: Sofitel Brisbane Central
         249 Turbot Street


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-1-11 15:44
Hi all,

How are you? Hope you are well.

From I know most of our trainees are intended to be a CPA member. They enquired how the processes are.

CPA is conducting a seminar for those who are interested in becoming a CPA member. Here is the link: ... a-cpa-seminars.html

And you need to register in. Please choose your location with Event details and registration which is displayed on the right hand top corner of the page.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

作者: selenachae    时间: 2013-1-25 14:05
Vision accounting is a good place to kick start your accouting career. I used to be an intern at vision and did get benefit from this program. Now I am working for a mining company in the city. I have to thank Rachel and her big efforts!!
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-1-30 07:56
selenachae 发表于 2013-1-25 14:05
Vision accounting is a good place to kick start your accouting career. I used to be an intern at vis ...

Thank you for your comments. It’s much appreciated.
It’s most rewarding moment that I can help accounting graduates to secure their first accounting jobs.
Wish you all the best for your career. I believe people who have a warm heart and work hard can be successful in any field in terms of life and career.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-2-11 13:01
Hi all,

Vision Accounting is orgainzing a new course, company tax.

This course is suitable for those trainees who have started to work in commercial accounting industry. It will help you to broaden your skills and finally to proceed your career growth as tax knowledge and skills are essential for you to be a qualified financial accountant.

The course outline is below:

Company Tax Outline (3 sessions/4 hours per session)
1.A.     FBT  Essential (2 sessions/3 hours per session) Better understand your fringe benefits tax (FBT) compliance requirements and gain an understanding of how to make FBT work for you

Topic one – FBT fundamentals

Understand how and why FBT was introduced, what the different sections of the legislation mean and how to perform the calculations.

•determine whether a benefit has been provided
•FBT Categories
•determine the taxable value of fringe benefits
•calculate FBT payable
•calculate individual reportable fringe benefits amounts
•state the requirements for reporting and paying fringe benefits
Topic one – Common FBT Categories

•cars Fringe Benefit by using statutory method and operating method and car parking  Fringe Benefit
•entertainment Fringe Benefit
•Relocation of employees and living away from home allowance (LAFHA) , and other Fringe Benefits
•Distinguish different tax treatments of various fringe benefits expenses for both GST and FBT purposes.

1.B.     Company income tax  Essential (2 sessions/3 hours per session) Develop a General understanding of the key technical requirements of income tax preparation in order to successfully apply it within your organisation.

Throughout the program you will:

•work through the fundamental concepts, framework
•learn how to perform the tax calculations
•preparing a tax effect sheet
•learn about the calculation of income tax expense
•be across the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-3-4 20:56
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Sri who has secured an accounting lecturer job.

Sri had descent working experience in his home country in law area which is not related to accounting and he finished accounting master degree in Australia a while ago. For people who have got office working experience in other country, you can put them in. After Vision Accounting provides you local accounting working experience, your previous working experience will help.

Wish Sir all the best for his career and family in a totally new place.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: business restructure
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 18:03:46 +1000
From: Sri <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Hi Rachel,
Good to hear that your business got expanded to diverse fields. By the way I got a job in PNG as accounting lecturer. I am moving out to PNG by the end if this month.
Thanks for giving me a wonderful learning experience.
Kind regards

Sent from my iPhone

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-4-20 09:49
Hi all,
How are you? Hope you all are well.
As you may know, the job market this year is really tough for everyone and it’s the worst year from I know. But some of our trainees still can receive opportunities of phone interviews and face-to-face interviews. Good news is the platform Vision Accounting provides to you works. However bad news is, so far only a few successfully secured roles in public practice firms.
In the current job market, opportunities won’t come up to you every day. If it does, are your ready to nail it? A trainee told me when the interviewer asked a question “what’s your main strength”, she required the lady to repeat the question three times and she still didn’t get the question. I am not blaming her not being able to understand the question. It’s not that easy to pick up everything in a phone conversation. But we have to find a way to avoid this type of thing happening to you. My suggestion is,
First, Google phone interview questions and try to practice on phone with your friend; As long as they call you, your resume does the job. You have met their minimum requirements. All interviewers have a question list. Believe it or not, they might get the questions by Google as well. If you have known those questions, the possibilities you can’t pick up is limited.
Second, there is no problem at all if you got accent, you speak slow or you are not confident with your grammar. It’s not IELTS. They are not hiring sales or TV hosts. But they are judging you by your voice. Your voice has to be firm, warm and friendly. And if you are smiling when you answer the phone, on the other side of the phone line, they can tell. So it’s not time to play cool.
Third, if unfortunately you just can’t get certain question after you say “beg your pardon, sorry or can you repeat it”, you don’t need to be embarrassed. Instead, you should try to grab a few key words and ask the interviewer “how do you mean, do you mean....” and you can bring up what you think they are asking. Then they will use different words to describe the question.
Last, after every interview, you should write down questions you have been asked. If you were not successful, you should try to learn from it. It’s not because of you are not lucky. There must be other reasons.
Some trainees complain that they have been sending out 20 applications in a couple of months but haven’t got any responses. I would say, when you add a “0” at back, maybe it will be different story. Job searching process won’t be easy for anyone. If you are having interviews, I appreciate if you can share your stories to us. In this difficulty time, we have to inspire each other and work together.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Rachel Hao

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-4-20 09:51
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2013-4-20 09:52 编辑

APBank Rec/CC Rec
GL RecForex/Interco
Bud/Report Analysis/Auditing

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-5-4 09:32
Hi all,

Please find the email below.

It’s valuable interview experience from one of our trainees. Hopefully it can be helpful for you.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: interview feedback
Date: 2013-04-23 12:00
From: Helen <>
To: "vision accounting" <[email protected]>

Hi, Rachel,
Thanks for your help for the interview. The interview lasted around 1 hour with two interviewers, director and senior manager respectively. The interview started with introductory questions, such as tell me about yourself? what do you know about the firm? Have you talk to your staff before? How do you meet new people? What materials are you keep reading? What business people do you admire? How long for your internship?
In addition, they also asked some behaviour questions, such as: What conflict have you dealt with? How do you work in team and what is your role?
Finally, they asked some auditing basic theory.
They are hiring 2 people for this graduate position. I tried to be confident and ask the questions appropriately, and they also responded some good words such as 'good, great'. Now I am waiting for their decisions and responses for second round interview which will run in next week.

作者: 偶滴神拉!    时间: 2013-5-12 19:19
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-8-12 21:19
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Flora successfully secured an accounting role. She sent us a detailed email to share her experience. Please send many thanks to her.

Please take time to have a try to answer those questions.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Rachel HAO

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Good news
Date: 2013-08-12 18:35
From: Flora  <>
To: [email protected]

Hi Rachel

Sorry about late but I have good news to tell .I got the position in the company as a finance assistant .I emailed you to say thank you for all of your support and valuable training. As you offered me flexible choices I was able to take the course there and It really helped me to secure this position as I did not know any thing about MYOB before taking the course. I had very long interview with Senior Finance Manager and HR manager and it took around 2 hrs!!!
some questions that I can remember are:
1- Tell us about your professional background?
2-How this position with help you about your future position?
3- why did you chose us?
3- how priority is important and critical?
5- There was 3 case scenario that the question was very long but I just can remember one of them :
if you arrive early what are you doing till your supervisor will come?
6-What interests you about this job
7-tell us about the Myobe with details!!! which version are u familiar with?
8- what excel functions you know?
Finally they asked some personal information how did u get settle in Australia do u like Australia and some other personal questions .
Again THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support and help

Kind Regards,

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-8-12 21:21
Hi all,

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Just let you know, the accounts clerk role of my client has been filled by one of our interns, Judy. Please join me in congratulating her.

For those, who applied but not succeed with this role, please do not give up your job searching. You will get your opportunities soon.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

Senior Accountant

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-8-12 21:22
Hi, Rachel

How are you recently? Sorry to intrude your class, because I am too excited about my interview.

I just finished my interview today with position of Accounts Clerk. I was been interview by their Financial Manager and another lady, but she didn't introduce her position, so I think she might be supervisor or executive at other position. Three of us have sitting in a meeting room, and that is the question they have asked me as below:

1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

2. Why you are resign from current position?

3. What is your current position?

4. What kind of software can you use?

5. Have you work at other companies?

6. Do you have intention to join CPA program?

7. Are you able to analyse finance report and writing a finance report?

8. Are you willing to working over time if necessary?

9. Are you willing to stay in this company/position for a long time?

10. Where you from? where do you live?

11. What excel spread sheet can you do?

Then the lady ask my mobile number and ask me when am I able to start work. They are asking most of the general question, we are just like chatting with each other, except they ask me how to use excel, so I show them the EXCEL spread sheet that I have learned at FAR's class, and explain the procedure about how to do FAR. Then they said they will contact me after they have a meeting, I wish I can get the position. Because it is excited to work under the subsidiary as 中國石油天然氣集團

Best regards

Judy Hung  
作者: dongfangzhige    时间: 2013-8-18 20:53
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-8-31 14:03
The latest training sessions will be commenced on Tuesday (3rd Sep), please contact Rachel on 0451 944 868 to book a seat for free trail.

Seats are limited, please hurry up.
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-8-31 14:04
dongfangzhige 发表于 2013-8-18 20:53


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-9-22 20:14

Hi all,

Summer is on the way back and flowers start to bloom all over the place. Hope you all enjoy these warm days.

Please join me in congratulating Michelle who successfully secured an accounts payable officer role in a large company located in Brisbane CBD. Amazingly, she is such an efficient job seeker as she only finished the first two sessions, accounts receivable and accounts payable. And she is in the same situation as you all who haven’t got much accounting related experience except the one in Vision Accounting.

Hope her story can inspire you all. We do have job opportunities out there, and we do have trainees who can be successful in job searching. So if you are experiencing difficulties, please do not give up and collect all your energy. You will get to your goal as well if you work hard.

If you have been through interviews but haven’t got any success, please feel free to send me email or call me. We can try to work out the reason together and improve your interview skills.

Wish Michelle all the best for her new career.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

Senior Accountant

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-11-5 08:54
Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

I am sending some good news in relation to previous trainees who attended my course. Hope their stories can inspire you in this busy time.

Leah has successfully secured an entry level accounting role in a logistic company. Her hard work in searching for a position has finally paid off. Job searching is not an easy task to do, and it might be harder for some people and easier for others. As an example Leah almost secured an AP position, but the employer gave her up at the last minute. She is such a humble girl. She didn’t complain but treated the rejection as valuable experience, learned from her mistakes, improved herself and carried on. Finally, she steps into an accounting role. People asked me how to get a job. I would say you need to be a fighter, and most importantly, a skilled fighter.

I caught up with a couple our previous trainees recently. I am so glad they are doing so well. Yong got a role in a listed company in December last year. Now he has been promoted as an internal tax accountant. He was highly recommended to this role by his previous manager. The manager recommended Yong because of his outstanding performance and work attitude. If you are not prepared very well, the opportunities will pass you by.

Next, I am truly proud of all girls, Sherry, Crystal, Selena, JJ, Lily and Michelle. They are doing really well in their current roles. Sherry’s skills are up another level now. Because of her outstanding performance, she successfully negotiated her pay rise to the expected level.  Crystal coped with a difficult work colleague. But after a couple of rounds of “contest”, she controlled the whole situation. Selena is shaking off entry level responsibilities. So she starts to access more Assistant Accountant tasks. JJ works really hard and her employer pay her back by good salary. Lily was an experienced accountant in China. As she never studied in Australia, she has spent more time on upgrading her knowledge and skills. But now she is working as an accountant.  Michelle got the role as a contractor, but the employer is considering transferring her as a full timer.

If you are still struggling in job searching process, please be positive. Focus on the progress you are making. Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

Senior Accountant

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-11-11 17:05
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Helen successfully secured a part time accounts clerk position. And also, many thanks to her for sharing her experience to us.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: interview feedback
Date: 2013-11-10 20:45
From: Helen <.com>
To: "vision accounting" <[email protected]>

Hi, dear Rachel,

How are you going? I tried to call you several times but cann't reach
your phone. I am writing this letter to you to update my working
situation. I got another part-time accounts clerk position recently. I
want to say many thanks to you. Thank you for your mentoring and
support. I hope my interview experience can help. Refer to below:

The interview started with introductory questions, such as tell me about
Describe your Book keeping experience? (AP& AR& PAYROLL PROCESSING)
How do you prepare BAS report/ gst report?
Do have experience in preparing cashflow analysis? Then how?
Scenario: When the business has outstanding invoices/recepits, how do
you organise available cash?
How do you use limited cash to get better business performance?

Let's keep in touch.

Best Regards,

Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

Senior Accountant

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-11-29 11:54
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2013-11-29 11:56 编辑

Hi all,

The new round of accounting practical skills training course will be commenced on 5th Dec 2013. It will be the last chance to get hands on skills through the training and get ready for the peak time of job market on Feb 2014.

Please see the time table and course detail below:
Bank Rec/CC Rec
GL Rec
Forex/Inter-co transactions
P&L Analysis/Budget/Cash flow forecast

Fee: $850
Session 1: AP
•        Accounts payable control procedures in a corporate environment.
•        Practical skills required for accounts payable officer – batching, matching, coding tax invoices.
•        Data processing in MYOB.
•        Organize payment with M-Power function of MYOB.
Session 2: AR
•        Accounts receivable control procedures in a corporate environment.
•        Sales processing in MYOB.
•        Payment collection.
Session 3: Reconciliation.
•        Credit card reconciliation
•        Bank reconciliation
Session 4: Payroll
•        Payroll.
•        Superannuation.
•        PAYG withholding tax.
•        Payroll tax processing.
•        Employee termination.
Session 5: BAS
•        GST reconciliation.
•        BAS.
•        IAS processing.
•        GST clearing journals after BAS lodgement.
Assistant Accountant
Fee: $900
Session 1: FAR Management
•        Fixed asset allocation.
•        Fixed assets register updating.
•        Fixed assets disposal.
•        Journal processing.
•        Fixed assets related accounts reconciliation.
Session 2: Prepayment and accrual
•        Prepayment- prepayment reorganization, spread sheet updating, journal processing.
•        Accrual – accrual journals and reconciliation.
Session 3: Other Balance sheet item reconciliation
•        Other Balance sheet items reconciliation – GST, PAYG and superannuation.
Session 4: Reports analysis, foreign currency transactions and intercompany transactions
•        Profit & loss report analysis.
•        Foreign currency gain and loss.
•        Intercompany transactions.
Session 5: Budgeting and forecast, cash flow forecasting and planning and audit assistance
•        Budgeting and forecast.
•        Cash flow forecasting and planning.
•        Audi assistance.
Assistant Management Accountant
Fee: $500
Session 1: Inventory control procedures
•        Set up SKU and inventory items in system.
•        Inventory purchase and sales processing.
•        Inventory reports analysis.
Session 2: Inventory related accounts management and reconciliation
•        Inventory accounts reconciliation.
•        Inventory adjustment and revaluation.
•        COGS accounts management.

Business services/ Public practice
Fee: $3000
•        ATO Payment Analysis
•        BAS Reporting & Practice
•        Basic Double Entry Theory & Practice
•        Partnership Accounts & Tax Return
•        Advanced Double Entry Adjustment, Reconciliation & Practice
•        Company Accounts & Tax Return
•        Division 7A issues and Case Analysis + Practice
•        FBT Calculation & FBT Return & Practice
•        Franking System & Practice
•        GST analysis & Practice & Annual GST Return
•        Trust Accounts & Tax Return
•        Capital Gains Calculation and Treatment on Various entities
•        Basic Individual Tax Return
•        Comprehensive Individual Tax Return
•        Group Structure Accounts & Tax
•        Basic Tax Planning
•        Resume & interview guidance

Note: the list above includes all courses we provide. For your individual schedule, please refer to the course you enrolled.
If you enrol two levels, you can get $250 discount.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

Senior Accountant

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2013-12-29 07:52
Hi all,

Hope you all had a nice Christmas.

Thank you for your support for the past years. And we are glad that so many trainees secured their fist accounting jobs in 2013.

Recently, Arash has secured an assistant accountant role in a logistic company. He got this role through a recruitment agent. After two rounds of fact-to-face interviews with managers of the company, he finally was chosen to be the one. He has started to work in the company in last week.

The reference check for him was general process. But I highlighted three features of Arash as he has a big heart, humble and will not reluctant to take over responsibilities. That’s how Arash impress me and what employers appreciate for.

Please join me in congratulating him and wish him all the best for his career.

Please also find an interview feedback below from Teresa. She was one of our most competent trainees. She has been working in an accounting firm for a while. Now she considers changing job to further her career. Please send many thanks to her for her generous sharing.

What’s your New Year resolution? Hope those successful experiences from other trainees can inspire you for your job searching.

Wish you all happy New Year!


Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: interview feedback
Date: 2013-12-09 14:44
From: Jianan
To: [email protected]

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for providing reference for my interview  two
weeks ago. Sorry for the late reply. Although I failed the interview, I
still want to email you to express my appreciation and maybe give some
hints for other like-minded people.

The firm is a fast growing southern firm with around 50 people in
total and three offices in Brisbane. The role I interviewed for is
intermediate accountant in business service sector. Technically
speaking, I would say normally intermediate accountant role entails more
than 2 years working experience. The interview is arranged via the
recruitment agency.  I was interview with a direct manager and a
director from a small team within the firm. (During the interview I
learned that this small team was actually merged by the firm around 5
months ago and that’s why they are in dire need of hiring new staff
even before xmas.)

Generally, no technical questions have been asked throughout the
interview. The interviewer focuses more on the work flow of my current
firm as well as the client profile, like the turnover of the clients,
the particular industry they are, the charge-out rate and productivity
rate and whether I finish a job from scratch all the way to being
wrapped up. Examples of previous jobs and clients are certainly helpful
during the interview to make it more convincing. On top of that, some
behavioral questions have also been mentioned: like what’s your
strengths and weaknesses, how do you cope with pressure, what’s the
reason for your job hunting, what you are looking for your next firm,
have you encountered any difficulties at work and how you deal with it,
why do you choose business services in the first place, etc.

The whole interview went for like 45 minutes, which I reckon should
qualify for what a standard interview should be.

Hope that helps.


Best Regards,

Rachel Hao

0451 944 868

Senior Accountant

Vision Accounting

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-1-2 09:03
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-1-22 20:43 编辑

Bank Rec/CC Rec
GL Rec
Forex/Inter-co transactions
P&L Analysis/Budget/Cash flow forecast

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-1-22 20:44
Hi all,
Vision Accounting is organizing the new round of accounting training and internship programme.
The training time table is below.
Bank Rec/CC RecPayroll
Prepmt/AccrualGL Rec
Forex/Inter-co transactionsP&L Analysis/Budget/Cash flow forecast
Please contact me if you need more information. If you need reserve a seat, please let me know ASAP.
Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-2-17 07:20
Dear all,

Hope you all enjoy your weekend.

I haven’t been update interview status of our interns for a while not because we didn’t have any good news, only as I didn't have time to do it until now. And some interns were worried there is no good news which means there are no jobs for themselves in the market. LOL… please relax, here we are.

Please join me in congratulating Grace secured a tax accountant role in a public practice firm.  People in the recent batch might still remember this lovely, humble and hard working young lady. Yes, she did successfully secure a job exactly after she finished the training part. She even enrolled the interview course and hasn’t got time to start yet. But she doesn’t need it anymore. I would give her credit about her effort on studying the course hardly. She did all her homework very well. She had a good understanding with all contents we have gone through in the class. She could bring up good questions in the class which showed she was on the right track. I never believe luckiness. Only good preparation is the key to success.

For people who are going through interviews, if you failed, please do not hesitate to contact me as well. I would like to use my own experience and also experience from all other interns to help you find out the reasons and fix them up.

Also, I caught up with a couple of previous interns who are working in accounting area. One of them is in searching job again as the business of his previous employer clasped. However, good news is his skills are much stronger. He is only targeting at AA position now and has got many interviews. He was 1 of 2 finalists of a decent position but they chose the other candidates as the other one has done more subjects of CPA. It rings the alarm for people who questioned the necessity of taking CPA. CPA qualification is important in accounting industry for sure. After you are a full member, you are called a qualified accountant. Please check up job requirements of financial accountant, senior accountant, CFO, or even entry levels role in large company, do they mention “qualified accountant” or “studying towards CPA”? They are referring to CPA qualification, not your master degree. If you have time, even though you haven’t got job yet, please consider taking one or two subjects. Just in case, the day when you have a job, you don’t have time to do it anymore. We will get busier and busier with family.

One previous intern visited me the other day in his lunch break. Again, proved one thing, Excel skills are important. He doesn’t need to do data entry at all, only prepare reports. He didn’t really finished all training sessions for some reasons. Actually, in AA level, we would explain accrual, P&L analysis, cost analysis and budget. In terms of spread sheet format, it might not be exactly same as what you do in future, but you will get better understanding when you are assigned to it. Some trainees think AA level is too much for them at this moment. But as a degree holder, you should put higher expectation to yourself. When you need it, there might be no one providing you detailed training anymore. You never know what skills you need. Again, proved one thing, preparation!

Thank you for your time reading this long email. Hope you feel encouraged by those stories.

Cheers and talk soon,

Rachel Hao

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-2-20 20:22
Hello all,

Good news from one of our trainees.

Please join me in congratulating Jessica secured a bookkeeper role in a mining company. Even her title is bookkeeper, but she needs to do all month end journals and financial reports. It will be a good start for her career.

In the reference check, the employer asked about how her organization and time management skills are; and required me to give an example to show her strength. She has solid technical skills first of all. Most importantly, she knows exactly what needs to be done to secure a job! You will find the answers through her email below.

Wish her all the best and finger cross for all our trainees.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------

Good news - Job secured!

Tue, 18 Feb 2014 00:39:18 +1000

Jessica <>

[email protected]

Hi, Rachel,

I would like to share the good news with you that I have secured the position and got their offer, yay~~~starting from next Monday. :)

The annual salary is as what I "expected" plus super. Anyway, I'm quite happy to secure the job, even as a bookkeeper. I believe I will lay a solid foundation here for the next level as an Assistant Accountant. Besides, I recon this is a good opportunity to access to the mining industry and have an in-depth learning and thorough understanding.

Big thank you for your continuous encouragement by sharing other intern's successful story, which really  can build up our confidence, shed a light for us who are still struggling in job hunting.  

I don't have much to share to others about my interview experience because I don't have any, and I have to say my interview is a "miracle". However, I did prepared my resume, cover letter, degree certificate, previous employment certificate together with Griffith Academic Excellence Award for this interview and labeled each document with stickers to make it presentable. If you say you have a strong attention to details on your resume then this is the opportunity to prove it to make yourself stand out. Another point I would like to share is even though I didn't send many resumes, 20-30 up to now, however, I tailored my resume and cover letter for each application to match their requirements, which is bit time-consuming however it makes you the right person they are looking for.

Last but not least, it's really good to have Rachel as a trainer, mentor, adviser as well as a friend, who always give you a hand when you need. Thank you Rachel, I really appreciate.

Yes, I was thinking to ask you if you have time for a catch up with Lin together. This weekend I still have to do the part time job, what about the next weekend?

See you and catch you soon!


Jessica Gu

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-2-20 20:24
Hello all,

Good news from one of our trainees.

Please join me in congratulating Jessica secured a bookkeeper role in a mining company. Even her title is bookkeeper, but she needs to do all month end journals and financial reports. It will be a good start for her career.

In the reference check, the employer asked about how her organization and time management skills are; and required me to give an example to show her strength. She has solid technical skills first of all. Most importantly, she knows exactly what needs to be done to secure a job! You will find the answers through her email below.

Wish her all the best and finger cross for all our trainees.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------

Good news - Job secured!

Tue, 18 Feb 2014 00:39:18 +1000

Jessica <>

[email protected]

Hi, Rachel,

I would like to share the good news with you that I have secured the position and got their offer, yay~~~starting from next Monday. :)

The annual salary is as what I "expected" plus super. Anyway, I'm quite happy to secure the job, even as a bookkeeper. I believe I will lay a solid foundation here for the next level as an Assistant Accountant. Besides, I recon this is a good opportunity to access to the mining industry and have an in-depth learning and thorough understanding.

Big thank you for your continuous encouragement by sharing other intern's successful story, which really  can build up our confidence, shed a light for us who are still struggling in job hunting.  

I don't have much to share to others about my interview experience because I don't have any, and I have to say my interview is a "miracle". However, I did prepared my resume, cover letter, degree certificate, previous employment certificate together with Griffith Academic Excellence Award for this interview and labeled each document with stickers to make it presentable. If you say you have a strong attention to details on your resume then this is the opportunity to prove it to make yourself stand out. Another point I would like to share is even though I didn't send many resumes, 20-30 up to now, however, I tailored my resume and cover letter for each application to match their requirements, which is bit time-consuming however it makes you the right person they are looking for.

Last but not least, it's really good to have Rachel as a trainer, mentor, adviser as well as a friend, who always give you a hand when you need. Thank you Rachel, I really appreciate.

Yes, I was thinking to ask you if you have time for a catch up with Lin together. This weekend I still have to do the part time job, what about the next weekend?

See you and catch you soon!


Jessica Gu

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-2-20 20:28
Hello all,

Good news from one of our trainees.

Please join me in congratulating Jessica secured a bookkeeper role in a mining company. Even her title is bookkeeper, but she needs to do all month end journals and financial reports. It will be a good start for her career.

In the reference check, the employer asked about how her organization and time management skills are; and required me to give an example to show her strength. She has solid technical skills first of all. Most importantly, she knows exactly what needs to be done to secure a job! You will find the answers through her email below.

Wish her all the best and finger cross for all our trainees.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------

Good news - Job secured!

Tue, 18 Feb 2014 00:39:18 +1000

Jessica <>

[email protected]

Hi, Rachel,

I would like to share the good news with you that I have secured the position and got their offer, yay~~~starting from next Monday. :)

The annual salary is as what I "expected" plus super. Anyway, I'm quite happy to secure the job, even as a bookkeeper. I believe I will lay a solid foundation here for the next level as an Assistant Accountant. Besides, I recon this is a good opportunity to access to the mining industry and have an in-depth learning and thorough understanding.

Big thank you for your continuous encouragement by sharing other intern's successful story, which really  can build up our confidence, shed a light for us who are still struggling in job hunting.  

I don't have much to share to others about my interview experience because I don't have any, and I have to say my interview is a "miracle". However, I did prepared my resume, cover letter, degree certificate, previous employment certificate together with Griffith Academic Excellence Award for this interview and labeled each document with stickers to make it presentable. If you say you have a strong attention to details on your resume then this is the opportunity to prove it to make yourself stand out. Another point I would like to share is even though I didn't send many resumes, 20-30 up to now, however, I tailored my resume and cover letter for each application to match their requirements, which is bit time-consuming however it makes you the right person they are looking for.

Last but not least, it's really good to have Rachel as a trainer, mentor, adviser as well as a friend, who always give you a hand when you need. Thank you Rachel, I really appreciate.

Yes, I was thinking to ask you if you have time for a catch up with Lin together. This weekend I still have to do the part time job, what about the next weekend?

See you and catch you soon!


Jessica Gu

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-2-26 12:22
Hi all,

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend.

Another trainee, Rejina secured a role in a public practice firm. Please join me in congratulating her and sending our thanks to her for sharing her experience.

Please see her email below.

Wish her all the best.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------

Thank you Rachel!!

Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:29:50 +1000

Rejina Shrestha rejina.

[email protected]

Dear Rachel,

Sorry I haven't been able to mail you before. I am very happy with so many trainees securing jobs lately. I would like to share with you and our other trainees that I have been able to secure an entry level Tax position recently and I am starting tomorrow. I would like to thank you very much and I appreciate all you help and support throughout, which would have been impossible without your training. My interview wasnt so difficult at all because it was pretty basic and I had all the knowledge I required from your class. For all the trainees I would like to wish good luck and never give up. At first it was very frustrating when we dnt even know what we are going to do in the job and appearing to interview so blank is a waste of opportunity. I went through interviews before but with only academic degree I was going nowhere. It was only after the training I realised how everything made sense and understand the whole picture together and I cant thank Rachel enough for that. You have been great help and inspiration throughout. It is important to put your effort in reviewing all the course contents because we tend to forget most of the things if we arent practically using it. Best wishes all for all the trainees and great thanks to Rachel for being such a great mentor.

Rejina Shrestha

Sent from my iPhone

作者: Fridaynight    时间: 2014-2-27 05:32
acc-vision 发表于 2012-1-21 12:23
Hi all,

How have you been?

Oh looks good.
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-3-10 21:39
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Beena successfully secured an accounts officer role.

Beena kindly sent us an email to share her experience. It's good for us to know the reason why she was hired rather than other candidates. Beena is a goal oriented person and works hard. She hasn't even finished all the training sessions yet. But she is the only one in the class who would like to and is capable to go through all accounting procedures step by step with me after training sessions. Her hard work paid back.

Trainees in her batch might still remember her positive energy which is valued by employers.

Many thanks for her experience sharing and wish her all the best.

Finger cross for you all who are searching for jobs.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Token of thanks
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 19:24:12 +1000
From: Beena  <>
To: [email protected]

Hi Rachel,

I am writing to say loads of thanks to you for your support and help towards my career progression. It's really appreciated.

I would like to say good bye to my class mates and share my experience with them too. I might not see them in the future.

First of all, pls don't lose hope keep applying, you never know what will come up for you. I know, it's easy to say and hard to apply but trust me if you have positive attitude in you, nothing is impossible because I did the same.

Interview skills are very important to get a job. Before attending face to face interview, do some research about the company and during your conversation try to show them that you did some research about their company. Be confident while answering their questions even if you don't know how to answer. Never say you don't know....always say 'yes' I know this.

The lady ( Managing director) who took my interview told me that after taking interviews she was confused with me and other two candidates but she selected me because I was showing respect and work ethic towards her which means that they do care about your respect towards them.

At the end I would like to say: Stay Positive, keep applying, be confident and have faith on yourself. Nothing is impossible in this world.

Best of luck to all of you.


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-4-6 21:07
Hi all,

March has been a hard working month and also a rewarding time.

We have Jessica, Jongwei, Yolanda, Natalie, Beena, Jessie and Clara successfully secured accounting roles. I am glad Vision Accounting played an important role in their career. If you registered with us before, you might have received emails from some of them to share their experience.

Jessie started working for one of Vision Accounting's clients as an intern. At the beginning, the agreement was she has to work as an intern for three months. And the final employment was not guaranteed. However, because of her outstanding performance, the employer happily told me they would like to terminate her internship earlier and hire her as a full time employee. I am glad Jessie can earn good reputation for trainees from Vision Accounting.

Jongwei has been working as an accounts officer in a non-profit organization for a month. Her previous research experience in a university helped her a lot. In her interview, the employer asked some technical questions. For example,  how to manage FAR? what's journal? One thing I would like to bring up here is it's impossible we can estimate all interview questions. You do need to use your knowledge and common sense.  In FAR session, we have gone through procedures of FAR. So it shouldn't be difficult to answer how to manager FAR. But the employer told Jongwei that not many candidates can answer the  question, what's journal? But she did. She said journal is about debit and  credit. Simple and true.

In interviews for Natalie and Clara, technical questions were asked as well. Again, it approved solid technical skills are the key reason for their success of job hunting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Rachel Hao

Senior accountant

Vision Accounting

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-4 11:00
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

做生意肯定会有考虑不到的地方,有customer complaining 我也是愿意大家一起讨论,提高服务质量。说实话,这样愤怒的 complaint,我想真的是对我们很不满意。


1. 大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵..............



2.另外,她在这里发的邮件收她的学生怎么成功的, 大家要有判断力啊。

关于发学生成功的案例,如果你是真上过课的学生,如果你同班的学生谁找到工作了,你应该都是认识的。你说这样的话,就有点不负责任了。这么多 email,我一个人编,还得不重样,不重名,我编的过来吗?我有这样的时间,我干点别的,我也可以有经济回报的啊。我有必要吗?你不觉得,我要真这样做,很浪费时间精力吗?


3. 她都是每次在招新生之前发的, 有那么巧吗?每次那个时候都有?

看似时间上我转发这类 email,或是我自己通过学生口述的情况写 email 是有嫌疑我是在新课前发,只是为了宣传新课。可新课大概一个月到一个半月一轮,通常大家上完课找到工作要一到两个月(仅限于用工对自己负责人的学生),所以周期上可能前后脚。最近又有个来自 Russia的姑娘,Tanya,找到工作了,很好的一份工作。她是四月份的那一批,上完课直接找到工作。我的新课也马上要开了。你说,她的经验我是发呢,还是不发呢。这位还真是挺细心,敏感的。连这你都能想起来啊?真是很为难啊。

4.  还收小班招生,呸

首先,我要承认错误,有时候班里的学生是挺多的。可是,你要是上过课的学生,你应该知道的啊。我们提供free repeat。就是说,你不管听几次,都可以,直到你觉得没有必要来听了,都会了。我是想,既然有个坐,大家都是愿意来学习的人,那就都来呗。我想,每个人都有这样的机会,不挺好的吗。稍微挤一点,估计都会理解吧。而且通常学生来咨询的时候问到相关问题,我都有解释。我会把精力放在新的学生身上。所以,看上去人多,可不会影响到新的学生的听课质量。再一个,repeat 的学生也因为听过了,课上可以提出好多有质量的问题。而新学生因为忙于follow,未必会思考,很少会有人能想那么深。通过repeat的学生的提问,也可以帮助新学生提高听课质量。这不皆大欢喜吗?我也没多挣一分钱,还要花精力回答问题。我就只是新学生,我在那里呱啦呱啦讲,你就听着,我岂不乐哉?你没听懂,你也没机会再来重新听,要重新听,你要交钱,你想不明白问啥问题,你就糊涂着吧。这样的状态谁都不想要吧。更何况,又说到有些学生,想来就来,想不来就不来,从来都不打招呼。你说,他/她就溜达来了,那里有个凳子,你说,我也不能就让他回去吧,白跑一趟?请大家多多理解。这项政策,我也不会变,我觉得对大家都有好处。

你的几个 complaints 我都有解释了。不知道你还满意不。要说以后有意见和我单独反应那太做作了,毕竟你以后找工作,我可能还要做你的 referee 不是?有些学生都第二份工作了,还来找我做 referee。你可能也不想当面得罪我不是?可是,咱好歹也是受到高等教育的,公共场合反映问题,还是要注意用词。不好意思,我又以老师的身份来教育人了。总之,你留言这里,挺好的方式。估计你平时一肚子火也不敢和我发。这里就发泄一下气愤。可以的。我有错我改,你有问题可以反应。大家通过沟通消除误会。你找到工作,我高兴,我也很骄傲我为学生的职业道路添砖加瓦。你要是能用工,我肯定会特喜欢你。

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-4 19:45
Hi Otono,

Thank you for your reply. It's much appreciated.

I am glad to hear you are happy with those services.

See you tomorrow.


Rachel Hao

On 04.05.2014 17:28, Naniwa, Otono wrote:

OMG I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are alright.

I will give you feed back later if I have any suggestion.

I like the repeating method with no charge. It really help us to improve and gain the knowledge.
I also good to hear the experience from others. I think it will help me for interview preperation.

From: [email protected] [[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, May 4, 2014 7:14 PM
Subject: response to trainee compaints

Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Recently, we had someone posted complaints on the Chinese forum,, where I got a thread to post all interview feedback from our trainees.

Basically, it was complaining about the size of the class. As you know, you are allowed to repeat any session you are not confident, free of charge. Somehow, half of the classes or more are actually coming to repeat. As long as you would like to study, you would get the opportunity without any extra cost.  I take it as benefit for all trainees.

The other complaint was about the emails of interview feedback I circulated. Are they all true or not? Trainees who were in the same batch as those who have got jobs, you know those trainees. It’s impossible for me and also I don’t have the time and energy to make up so many different stories. The reason I circulate those emails is not only advertising the course, but helping others to improve interview skills. I take its as also benefit for all trainees.

I am bemused. What I thought was good for trainees seems like it’s not delivering very well to some of trainees.

Please give me some feedback about:

How do you think about repeating modules? Would you think it’s good for you? Do you care more about the size of the class or the opportunities of coming to repeat the class?

If you can read Chinese, please log in the forum below to leave your comments and suggestions.

Or please send me an email to express your thoughts. Your opinion is much appreciated. Thank you for helping me to improve the quality of our services.


Rachel Hao

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-4 19:56
Hi Tatiana,

Thank you for your reply and support. It's much appreciated.

I won't take it personally. Just think maybe it’s good to hear what trainees think. It also might be from my rival anyway. That’s internet gives to you. Good or bad, I have to take it and digest it.

How was your new job? You are one of the smartest girls I have met. But humble. JJ and Tim also gave good comments about you. I am sure you are going well.

Keep in touch and let me know if I can help anything when you need me.


Rachel Hao

On 04.05.2014 17:34, Tatiana molodtchikova wrote:

hi, Rachel  
just read your e-mail. I personally don't think that you should worry too much about that post. There are always someone who is going to be unhappy no matter how hard you try !!
The option to repeat modules -- is one of  the best features about this program, because you sit through the session, then do your homework and only after that (usually) you may realize that you have couple of questions or just realize that you don't get the whole session you definitely need to sit though this session again. Only after tat you can truly understand the whole picture.
About the size of the class- as long as there is enough place in the room ( and that was always the case when i was doing those modules) everyone should be ok.
About the feedback emails- that actually helped me a lot - they were always very informative and so they allowed me to get a better idea what to expect during my interviews ( i mean if somebody doesn't want to read those emails or think it is a waste of time- just don't read it :) )
plus those emails are vey inspiring. Sometimes during the time when i was looking for a job i felt very desperate, low and thought that i will never find a job, but then i would receive one of those emails and realize that somebody exactly like me got a job and that it is POSSIBLE to find one - that gave me more motivation and comfort. So i believe that you should keep sending those emails as well.
Regards, Tatiana

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 7:14 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Recently, we had someone posted complaints on the Chinese forum,, where I got a thread to post all interview feedback from our trainees.

Basically, it was complaining about the size of the class. As you know, you are allowed to repeat any session you are not confident, free of charge. Somehow, half of the classes or more are actually coming to repeat. As long as you would like to study, you would get the opportunity without any extra cost.  I take it as benefit for all trainees.

The other complaint was about the emails of interview feedback I circulated. Are they all true or not? Trainees who were in the same batch as those who have got jobs, you know those trainees. It’s impossible for me and also I don’t have the time and energy to make up so many different stories. The reason I circulate those emails is not only advertising the course, but helping others to improve interview skills. I take its as also benefit for all trainees.

I am bemused. What I thought was good for trainees seems like it’s not delivering very well to some of trainees.

Please give me some feedback about:

How do you think about repeating modules? Would you think it’s good for you? Do you care more about the size of the class or the opportunities of coming to repeat the class?

If you can read Chinese, please log in the forum below to leave your comments and suggestions.

Or please send me an email to express your thoughts. Your opinion is much appreciated. Thank you for helping me to improve the quality of our services.


Rachel Hao


作者: tcow1973    时间: 2014-5-4 20:47
Hi everyone, I am the one of the student enrolled in April and my opinion for this mail and the class are follows:
1. I am a classmate of the Russian lady, Tanya, and we shared both the accounting lessons and the interview lessons together. Thus, I know her case is real and I am happy for her success.
2. Before joining the class, I had thought about how much the class could help my career in Australia but I thought it might be a good trial and joining the class should be better than doing nothing anyway so I paid the course fee. I remembered I had asked Rachel if she would introduce some jobs to me and she said NO. Therefore, no one could blaim Rachel if we could not find a job after the classes as she had already told us. It is an accounting course, not a job introduction programe after all.
3. I appreciate the repeating module, especially it is FREE. Rachel could not take any benefit from that but for the students, like me, we could learn more and practise more. As for the size fo the class, including the new students and repeatedly attended students, I have NEVER seen all seats are fully occupied.
4. For the quality of the course, it is more than I expected. It is designed for hunting an accounting job for the position of or below Assistant Accountant. I believed that the class covers sufficiently the accounting technical issues and Rachel is patient enough to answer the questions from the students. She also stay behind over 2 hours after the lesson for the students' questions. Please bear in mind that the course is NOT a charity and the classroom is NOT rent-free. If Rachel is too money-minded, she would not run the class in this way.
5. I thought posting the success of others is good for students as it shared some experiences in interviews and let us more positive to the career.
Finally, I know it is not easy to find a job in Australia, especially for those newcomers like me. However, even if we have not successed and we feel frustrated, we should to be fair to the others and we have no rights to ruin someone's career or success in that way. It is easy to hurt but hard to heal.
作者: michaelchc    时间: 2014-5-4 21:21
Hi Everyone
I was one of the student taking Rachel's course last year. I have been working for more than one year. I was disappointing and embarrassing to see such post from someone using Chinese.. I will give everyone my personal ideas of Rachel' course.
1) Before I met Rachel in class, I did massage and call her to enquire about the course fee and content of the course, etc. Her attitude for this was fine, patient, not pushing hard to get you enrolled. There was no problem with this.
2) Secondly, I think Rachel is a responsible teacher, using clear voice, understandable words and comfortable speed to do her course in each class. In terms of the course, I personally believer it has covered everything we gonna use in real work context. But whether it can be digested quickly or slowly is based on individuals' ability. If only talking about the course detail (if you are looking at using MYOB for the accounting software you want to learn), I do not think there is a problem.
3)It was good that Rachel would leave some assignments and homework to me and it was also good that she would review those questions to enhance your understanding of that knowledge. I really benefited from this. But someone would have different opinion.
4) I strongly believe that posting others' interview or job feedback is a good idea. It helps everyone to build confidence in hunting job, doesn't it? I don't know whether  the others' feedback that Rachel forward here for everyone to see is real or unreal, but mine is real at least.

It is absolutely not easy for everyone to get a job at the moment. The success is only determined by how much work and time you put on finding a job. Whether Rachel's course is useful also  depends on if you want to learn.
作者: bling    时间: 2014-5-4 22:45
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

额  我在vision acc 上过补习班 确实很多成功案例的 有的童鞋课还没完全上完就找到工作了 而且rachel人不错啊 能帮都会帮的
再者说了 这个课可以无限repeat就说明老师不是只看钱的

师傅领进门 修行靠个人的 童靴你要好好努力哦不要浪费交上去的钱 找不到工作只能是自己的原因

作者: bling    时间: 2014-5-4 23:22
刚看了前面几条回复 我想说 这么多回应可见老师真的是好
处于考虑此给差评的童靴可能英文程度不太好  我就用中文再回复一下好了
tanya是俄罗斯女孩 长的就挺漂亮 我们一个期一起上课的都对她比较熟悉
她是为数不多的还没听完整个课就已经找到工作的 并且年薪算高了super,休假和保险都齐全
当然了 她自身条件也是非常好的 雅思四个8 讲话是少有的俄罗斯人不带任何口音 并且逻辑很清晰
与她交流很像跟local在讲话 之前也有个女生在三月就找到工作 年薪一般 中国女生 我不太熟悉就不多说了
能不能找到工作 能不能学到东西真的要看自己的认真程度和学习态度
有问题去问rachel 她从来都不会不耐烦的
毕竟最近新开很多ACC firm都在打广告要招生 而且也有不少悉尼墨尔本的机构在进军布村
看到此人是4月26号注册的账号 产生一点怀疑
Rachel 不要想太多 我们都挺你

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-5 19:15
tcow1973 发表于 2014-5-4 20:47
Hi everyone, I am the one of the student enrolled in April and my opinion for this mail and the clas ...

Thanks for your comments and support.

I appreciate you value the course.  Hope we can work together to secure you an accounting role soon.


作者: wanwanbao    时间: 2014-5-5 22:33
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

想必这位同学一定是没有来上过Rachel的课吧, 那就不要在这里误导大家。我也参加了这个课程,也是因为朋友通过这个课程找到了工作,介绍我来的。 说说我的感受吧,Rachel的耐心和细心我想所有的同学都看在眼里,亦师亦友,所以这么不负责的说人家态度不好,不知道你是否参加过这个课程。再来,在我上课的过程中,亲眼所见很多同学找到了工作,有的是新来的同学,有的是repeat的同学,找工作这件事情真的是需要运气与实力并存啊,借楼上同学的话完全是师傅领进门,修行靠个人!最后我想说Rachel是个负责的好老师,不要去管那个评论,我们都很支持你的!
作者: Kittycat    时间: 2014-5-6 09:40
本帖最后由 Kittycat 于 2014-5-6 09:47 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

看到这个帖子我真是觉得莫名得搞笑:一看就知道你根本就没有Enroll更没有上过Rachel的课,所有的说辞都是模棱两可,没有一句是细节,就是在make up story,不知道这样做的居心何在?
不仅如此,Rachel在找工作的过程中也是会给予很多帮助和建议,至少我知道的就有两个女孩儿还没有上完课就找到工作了,而且其中一个女孩儿还是找的local 的 Accounting Firm,做Tax Axcountant方面的工作,记得当时她还跟我讲面试的时候问了一个BAS方面的问题,正好Rachel上课的时候讲过了,她回答得很好,更重要的是Rachel也帮她做了很好的telephone check.
... ...
作者: Kittycat    时间: 2014-5-6 10:45
哦,对了,还有一件事情忘记说了,如果你说Rachel 交钱之前和之后态度不一样,那么Rachel在课堂上劝退一位十分想交钱上课但是又缺乏accounting背景的台湾女士是为了什么?可见你的Complain 多么不足以让人相信。
作者: Kittycat    时间: 2014-5-8 15:24
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-7 22:36
kittycat, 你找到工作了吗? 看你那么多时间回复。你知道的东西真多啊。 你说我“ make these stories up" ...

另:你既然觉得Rachel这不好那不好,please show your details,这样才有说服力啊。

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-9 10:35
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-5-9 10:53 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-7 22:30
行了。行了。 你这几个“ 高材生”, 你们找到工作了吗? 在这里乱吹牛,给你什么好处了。 每次上课,都会故 ...


1. 行了。行了。 你这几个“ 高材生”, 你们找到工作了吗?

我还真告诉你,这里的几个“高材生”有找到工作的。没有找到的,有因为怀孕去完成人生更重要的事情的,也有还在努力的。但是,你没必要在这里奚落,笑话人家。好歹人家虚心的在探索找到工作的方法。也许不是100% sure,但她们愿意尝试,学习。

2. 每次上课,都会故意说,“面试的时候,会问你一些‘技术性问题’, 例如,account receivable 的步骤,用这个来蒙蔽学生。 我来问你那几个高材生, 或者各位看官,你们有谁去面试的时候,会真正被到问这些问题?

怎么听上去你好像经历过很多面试,你知道面试全都是怎样的?请问,你总共有过几次面试?那你现在是找到工作了?你是说,面试的时候,肯定不会问 技术性的问题?请问,面试都问啥?你吃了没?

上课的时候,关于面试,我也只能以我经历过的面试,和我教过的几百个学生经历过的面试,总结出来一般情况。我也说过,我们这里只能给你一个大多数的情况,具体你要经历怎样的面试,我也不是神仙,我不可能全部预测的。但是,大家准备面试,总得有个方略吧。方略就是听听别人都是怎么面试的,怎么成功拿到工作的。technical questions是很多面试会问到的。当然,问的方法千奇百怪。但是,如果你把 procedures 都了解的很清楚了,无论怎么问,万变不离其中。所以,我强调的是,把细节搞清楚,以不变应万变。我提问的方式,只是给大家一个引子,把整个过程搞清楚。可这位在这里又怀疑别人 share 的经验是假的。请问,你给我们指点一下,你觉得面试应该怎样的?

3.花那么都钱,去学bookkeeping的皮毛, 我倒不如去tafe学, 人家是正规,还有证书呢。 后者H&R block, 便宜多了。 吹牛不要崔上天。

我从来没说我比 tafe, HR block好。我学生里面读过 tafe, HR block多了,甚至大多都是 master 学位的,有谁不知道,不会 practical skills 和 experience找工作没戏。你说的这一通,是想说明什么?就是贬低我呗?

关键是,现在大家都不是来混文凭的,都是想通过一个方法找到一份会计相关的工作。有的人咨询说从来没学过会计,可不可以上 bookkeeping 的课程。我都说,你先去 tafe 上个会计课程,去了解下会计基础,再考虑上这个课程,因为我们是实战课程。虽然是 bookkeeping,但要做一个好的bookkeeper,会计基础太重要了。这位说,不过就是 bookkeeping 的东西,请问,你是看不起 bookkeeper 这个工作吗?那请问,你在哪里高就呢?对于,一个刚刚会计毕业的学生,可以从 bookkeeper 开始,我觉得没什么不好。 关于 HR block 的课程,有人也问过我,我也说过,如果是想学 individual tax return, 这是一个很好的课程,我们这里的 tax course 不会只是 focus 在 individual tax。每个人寻找课程的需求不一样。你在这里乱给意见,请问,你是去过 tafe 了,还是去过 HR block了?


4. 还说没pr也没关系,学了这门课程就行了。

我也不是移民局,上了课就有 PR? 我敢说这话?谁信啊?你怀疑我的智商,你还怀疑大众的智商?

再说一下没有 PR 这个问题,我说没有 PR也是可以找到工作的,是有事实根据。因为,有好多学生就是没有 PR, 就是找到了工作。那你又知道了,没 PR 找不到。那你是没 PR, 你没找到工作?那你这从头到尾,啥都知道,我以为你经验可足了?那你没找到,你还不虚心接受别人 share 给你的宝贵经验,都怀疑都是骗人的?你啥时候能找到工作?

这个课程就是给大家多一种选择。我从来没说过,你上了就可以找到工作。在这里,当着大家面我在说一遍,关键要靠自己。我只能给你介绍一下,工作当中,大多公司都这样做的(请注意,大多,不是全部,不是every single one,毕竟公司还是要根据自己的情况做一些调整),输入 transaction 要注意什么,哪里会容易犯错,要小心;面试通常都问些什么,你怎么准备;简历,cover letter要注意写什么?这位,你想让我直接帮你找份工作?


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-9 10:40
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-5-9 10:49 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-7 22:32



作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-9 10:43
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-5-9 10:45 编辑

Hi Hanna,

Congratulations! Good to hear you nailed it. I didn't received their call for reference check. You must perform really well in the interview.

Thank you for your support. I appreciate it. I feel a lot better when so many trainees value my work. Thank you.

Wish you all the best. And please let me know if there is anything I can help.


Rachel Hao

On 08.05.2014 10:22, hanna yosepina wrote:

Hi Rachel,

I am sorry for not in contact with you for so long. Only now that I get the chance to write this email. I am regret to hear this type of people did this unreasonable matters to deteriorate yours and your company's name. You have been a great help to all of us trainees. You have been wonderful, a great adviser and always provide us with support tirelessly. Don't take it seriously about that irresponsible comment as long as you know what you have been doing is right and I believe all of us trainees will stand out for you.

I want to take this chance to express my thought and feeling as well. I joined the traineeship last year October to December. I have not been able to secure any job interviews due to my lack of experience in accounting line (as I only had auditing experience before I came to Australia) and over-qualification in my study. I decided to attend Rachel's class to see any opportunity that I could take by re-launching my career in commercial line. I was cynical at first whether the class would really help me into my career. However, with positive attitude and mind set that I have nothing to lose, I packed my bag and traveled all the way from Toowoomba to Brisbane just to attend the classes. Since then, I have never regretted anything for attending her class. She has deepened not only in my understanding of commercial line accounting but also written up cover letter, resume as well as prepare myself to do well in the interview. Basically one whole package to get yourself ready for a job. All of this is because she kept updating the class through "Emails feedback and advice" from previous trainees who have gone through interview and secured jobs. She has been a great mentor, I believe not only to me but all of us trainees.

In my opinion, the repeating class is a very good opportunity for all trainees to re-call whatever materials they have learnt and deepen their understanding further. Although I did not utilize the repeating class that was available for me due to the distance (though I really wish I can) and has not been updating my progress, she has still been willing to help me with just about anything. Not many people will be so willingly to take extra miles to help and support their trainees all the way to achieve their dream jobs and yet she is one of them.

To whoever irresponsible person who posted that untruth comment, my advice is spend your energy to look for job for yourself rather than spending unnecessary comment and time on others which is not useful upon yourself as well.

p.s. Rachel, I have secured the account assistant job  that I mentioned to you previously. I can't thank you enough for everything. I wish you well always. Thanks..


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-9 11:00
Hi Rachel,

In response to your email regarding the complaints you have received, I think whoever is not happy about the class size should consider not doing the internship at all. You are providing a valuable service, not many employers are willing to give you practical experience in this challenging job market. Other internship programs are more expensive and do not offer repeats whether you understand or not. I think you should keep offering repeat classes provided there is enough space for everyone and the new interns are given priority.

Will see you soon.

Kind regards,

On Sunday, 4 May 2014 7:14 PM, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi all,
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Recently, we had someone posted complaints on the Chinese forum,, where I got a thread to post all interview feedback from our trainees.
Basically, it was complaining about the size of the class. As you know, you are allowed to repeat any session you are not confident, free of charge. Somehow, half of the classes or more are actually coming to repeat. As long as you would like to study, you would get the opportunity without any extra cost.  I take it as benefit for all trainees.
The other complaint was about the emails of interview feedback I circulated. Are they all true or not? Trainees who were in the same batch as those who have got jobs, you know those trainees. It’s impossible for me and also I don’t have the time and energy to make up so many different stories. The reason I circulate those emails is not only advertising the course, but helping others to improve interview skills. I take its as also benefit for all trainees.
I am bemused. What I thought was good for trainees seems like it’s not delivering very well to some of trainees.
Please give me some feedback about:
How do you think about repeating modules? Would you think it’s good for you? Do you care more about the size of the class or the opportunities of coming to repeat the class?
If you can read Chinese, please log in the forum below to leave your comments and suggestions.
Or please send me an email to express your thoughts. Your opinion is much appreciated. Thank you for helping me to improve the quality of our services.
Rachel Hao

作者: Kittycat    时间: 2014-5-9 21:06
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-9 20:14
找不到工作,有没身份, 那就怀孕吧

姐告诉你:姐怀孕之前一直是工作的,不过不是会计方面的,因为是double master degree,姐从事的是另一个领域的工作,就没有必要跟你这种人汇报了吧?就算会计,我当时也有不少面试,找工作我觉得对于当时的我来说一点儿都不难,如果不是怀孕,会计工作肯定是有的;所谓身份,姐PR N多年了,是不是很让你眼红?

作者: Kittycat    时间: 2014-5-9 22:01
本帖最后由 Kittycat 于 2014-5-10 09:52 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-9 21:35
fact 1: 很多中国学生因为找不到工作,读完一个master, 再读一个master。
fact2 : 极少澳洲当地人 读ma ...

这个人心理真是阴暗哦:别人结婚是因为找不到会计工作;怀孕生子是因为找不到会计工作;仗义执言过来帮Rachel说句公道话是因为找不到会计工作;做别的工作没有做会计是因为找不到会计工作;读Master是因为找不到会计工作;读Master over-qualified找不到会计工作;别人没有PR也是没有会计工作... ...

时间宝贵人生苦短何必跟这种人生气?就如他/她臆断我没PR,没工作,找不到工作才读double master,她/他岂不知我是两个同时读的,也是靠自己顺利拿PR,并工作,虽然不是会计领域,但也不错。
作者: micxcc    时间: 2014-5-10 12:25
提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-11 10:17
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-5-11 15:21 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-9 20:09
所谓的senior accountant 说话就这水平。看看他怎么说话的, 象骂街。原型毕露了。跟刚开始回帖的态度来了个 ...

我对这位 看不起 bookkeeper 工作,不知道在做什么工作的 高人,对我说话的态度质疑不解释。谁在骂街,大家有兴趣,从头看起,逗个乐。

1.另外,他在回帖里说“ 自己是做生意的”, 大家要充分领会这句话的意思额。


2.不要以为找几个“ five cents”  来说自己多好,就来迷惑大众。


3.还说自己的是“ internship program”, 顶多只能叫“ training course” 了。 有哪个实习生program是这样的。 还说offer reference, 说白了,不就是学生用钱买吗。

培训完了,做我client 的账目,不可以叫 internship 吗?得,这位觉得不是就不是吧。有幸被这位无聊的,无休无止的,纠缠不清的,在帮我把所有人的疑问问出来,给我机会一一解释清楚的,或男或女,吸引到这里的,想必是对 Vision Accounting 有兴趣,你们自己决定吧。免费试听,你们做主。

Australia internship 还收$2000左右呢,只是给介绍个公司实习三个月。去了实习,没人认真教你,人也叫internship。internship你来定义的?

我提供培训,实习,拿 reference 怎么了?

另外,“哪个program是这样的”呵呵,经常 ozyoyo的大概都知道。 很久很久以前。。。。。。谁知道怎么从 ozyoyo上销声匿迹,公司还换名儿了。呵呵,不知道为啥换名。仁者见仁,智者见智。

不管这位怎么质疑,working reference 对找工作多重要,practical skills 对找工作多重要,大家都是明白人。

4.叫培训费的时候, 还publicly 说, 交现金。 看, 所谓的 senior acountant, 还逃税呢

这位搬起石头砸自己的脚。我从来没说过 cash only。我都说,你们可以 online transfer,也可以 cash,看你们怎么方便。90%的学生都选择 online transfer。当然,我是不会给这位看我的 bank statement的。所以,你不要揪着我,让我给你证据。只有ATO和我妈有这个权利。你既然这都不知道,还居然说是我的学生。我可是听说,有某某人,收了人家$1500 现金,人家跟某某要 receipt,当场,在前脚收了人钱,后脚就说:“我哪里收了你钱?”呵呵。见过为主子办事胆子大的,没见过不要命的。非说人姑娘是我派过去的卧底。搞的人姑娘报警。警察来了,才把$1500如数退给人家。这种匪夷所思的事情,是某某人干的。从此名扬千里。呵呵,以前觉得莫名其妙揭别人老底,有失职业道德。既然这位说起来,cash 逃税的问题,正好给我一个机会,把这件事情公布于众。呵呵,大家觉得是不是像在看电视剧里的坏阿姨?


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-11 10:41
Kittycat 发表于 2014-5-9 21:06
小人的嘴脸出来了!没有话说就开始谩骂就开始人身攻击,有意思吗这样?作为一个已经做了母亲的人,我真的 ...





作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-11 11:00
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-5-11 11:23 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-9 21:35
fact 1: 很多中国学生因为找不到工作,读完一个master, 再读一个master。
fact2 : 极少澳洲当地人 读ma ...





“催牛”你中国话忘记了,拼音没学好?拼音那叫 chui, 中文叫 吹。我没教好你会计,做人我不教你,我没资格。拼音我不敢说都会,吹牛我还是知道咋发音的。

我们中国学生,学会计的大多都是 master,我不管澳洲本地人咋样,他们有他们的成长环境,他们有他们的文化。但从我接触的“澳洲当地人”,不好意思,我只说我接触过的,不代表全澳洲,读master的有,给予高学位的人尊敬的澳洲当地人,很多。咋地,你觉得我们低人一等?

你是觉得我们都饿死在 找会计会计工作的道路上算了?我们中国人承认,我们 over qualified,所以我们要提高实践技能,所以有很多实践技能培训和工作机会的公司,咋地,你觉得不可以?

这铁铮铮的 5 个facts!

我是中国的,我是master学位,俩!我是CPA,我在做会计工作,有人叫我bookkeeper也好,senior accountant也好,我还不是妈妈,但我希望我可以做妈妈,为了做妈妈,我愿意放弃我的工作,我骄傲!
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-11 11:18
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-10 15:18
果然是“ 名师出高徒弟”。 还爆粗。 小妹妹,发帖之前,想清楚, 被人利用了还不知道。 另外“I am now wo ...

1.果然是“ 名师出高徒弟”。



2. 还爆粗。 小妹妹,发帖之前,想清楚, 被人利用了还不知道。


3.另外“I am now working in a construction company with onver 10M turnover as an assistant accountant. ”, 这些就不要发了, 很容易被人定位的。 懂吗?


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-16 12:32
Hi all,

How are you doing?

Recently we are organizing a new round of practical training and internship program. Please find the class schedule and course list below. If you have any interest, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Please note, we provide a free trial session. So there is no loss if you give it a go before you make decision.

9.00am        9.00am
26/05/2014        27/05/2014
No class        AR
2/06/2014        3/06/2014
AP        Bank Rec/CC Rec
9/06/2014        10/06/2014
Payroll        BAS
16/06/2014        17/06/2014
FAR        Prepmt/Accrual
23/06/2014        24/06/2014
GL Rec        Forex/Inter-co transactions
P&L Analysis/Budget/Cash flow forecast         


Session 1: AP

Accounts payable control procedures in a corporate environment.
Practical skills required for accounts payable officer – batching, matching, coding tax invoices.
Data processing in MYOB.
Organize payment with M-Power function of MYOB.

Session 2: AR

Accounts receivable control procedures in a corporate environment.
Sales processing in MYOB.
Payment collection.

Session 3: Reconciliation.

Credit card reconciliation
Bank reconciliation

Session 4: Payroll

PAYG withholding tax.
Payroll tax processing.
Employee termination.

Session 5: BAS

GST reconciliation.
IAS processing.
GST clearing journals after BAS lodgement.

Assistant Accountant

Session 1: FAR Management

Fixed asset allocation.
Fixed assets register updating.
Fixed assets disposal.
Journal processing.
Fixed assets related accounts reconciliation.

Session 2: Prepayment and accrual

Prepayment- prepayment reorganization, spread sheet updating, journal processing.
Accrual – accrual journals and reconciliation.

Session 3: Other Balance sheet item reconciliation

Other Balance sheet items reconciliation – GST, PAYG and superannuation.

Session 4: Reports analysis, foreign currency transactions and intercompany transactions

Profit & loss report analysis.
Foreign currency gain and loss.
Intercompany transactions.

Session 5: Budgeting and forecast, cash flow forecasting and planning and audit assistance

Budgeting and forecast.
Cash flow forecasting and planning.
Audi assistance.

Assistant Management Accountant

Session 1: Inventory control procedures

Set up SKU and inventory items in system.
Inventory purchase and sales processing.
Inventory reports analysis.

Session 2: Inventory related accounts management and reconciliation

Inventory accounts reconciliation.
Inventory adjustment and revaluation.
COGS accounts management.

Business services/ Public practice

ATO Payment Analysis
BAS Reporting & Practice
Basic Double Entry Theory & Practice
Partnership Accounts & Tax Return
Advanced Double Entry Adjustment, Reconciliation & Practice
Company Accounts & Tax Return
Division 7A issues and Case Analysis + Practice
FBT Calculation & FBT Return & Practice
Franking System & Practice
GST analysis & Practice & Annual GST Return
Trust Accounts & Tax Return
Capital Gains Calculation and Treatment on Various entities
Basic Individual Tax Return
Comprehensive Individual Tax Return
Group Structure Accounts & Tax
Basic Tax Planning
Resume & interview guidance



Send resume to trainer
Trainer to go over resume
Research/job hunt

Session One: (two hours)

Resume review, hints
Do’s and don’ts
Go over interview questions (types)
Questions – how to answer
Questions – behavioural

Session Two: (two hours)

Phone interview basics
Prepare answers for behavioural questions
Prepare answers for technical questions according to your abilities

Session Three: (two hours)

Phone and face to face interview rehearsal

Note: the list above includes all courses we provide. For your individual schedule, please refer to the course you enrolled.


Rachel Hao

Vision Accounting

0451 944 868

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2014-5-20 22:03
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-5-20 22:05 编辑


Hi all,

How are you?

I am glad to write this email to share good news from our interns.

Tanya and Hanna have successfully secured accounting jobs. Tanya even achieves financial accountant title. What a good start. The culture of the company is relaxing and friendly. In the interview, they asked her what title she prefers. The brave girl just said she wouldn’t mind  a title of financial accountant. They agreed and she got it. Her brilliant personality is always lightening the room. And most importantly, she also has outstanding technical skills.  

Hanna is originally from Toowoomba. When she was attending the training classes, she had to travel from Toowoomba to Brisbane every week. Her commitment to learn accounting practical skills paid back. She secured an Assistant Accountant role recently. In her interview, there were not many technical questions. The interviewer more focused on her soft skills. You never know what the “taste” of the interviewers is. But what we can do is preparing everything. Good preparation can help to build your confidence which is key thing in interviews.

We also have Ivy and Julia have been through interviews. I am sure they will get to their goals sooner or later as both girls work very hard. Julia comes back to repeat the training sessions. I can clearly see the improvement of her skills in the second round. Ivy relocated to Sydney for good. And she is doing well there. Give her a bit more time, she will start her accounting career soon.

The job market is getting tougher. So we all need to work harder. Before your moment comes to you, please do not give up. You need to apply jobs everyday, prepare well for phone interviews, review training materials round by round and when you have interview, be confidence and nail it.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

作者: Kittycat    时间: 2014-6-5 12:56

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