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[贷款服务] 专业贷款、保险中介,会计公司









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Lynnweng55 发表于 2015-10-23 14:38:52 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
1409 5


Exceptional Finance and BusinessAccountancy





CBA - NAB - ANZ - Firstmac -StGeorge - Macquarie - ING - Adelaide Bank - Suncorp - Bank Of Queensland -Pepper Loans - ME Bank - Heritage Bank - Bluestone - Resimac - Thinktank -Centrepoint Finance.

为什么要选择Mortgage Broker?




优势:作为一家由拥有超过30年经验的Local会计师事务所经营的MortgageBroker,我们不仅可以提供周到专业的Mortgage Broker服务,同时能为您从会计的角度提供非常专业可靠的建议和服务。同时,由于我们并不属于任何一家银行或者贷款机构,所以我们会站在一个十分可观,公平的角度为您分析,协助您选择最适合您的贷款方式。

为什么选择Exceptional Finance and Business Accountancy?

  • 您可以信赖的服务-我们公司已经与Local以及中国,以及韩国员工合作超过30年。
  • 我们是一家中型服务机构,能为您提供更为快捷和专一的服务。
  • 我们对澳洲法律非常了解。
  • 我们是一家集MortgageBroker和会计的综合服务公司,这意味着我们能在您做贷款规划的整个过程中为您提供全方位的服务,并帮您节省时间,避免额外开销。
  • 我们能带您详细了解,比较每一家澳大利亚信誉良好贷款机构的各类产品。
  • 您只许一个电话,我们便能在非常短的时间内帮您计算出您的贷款额度。
  • 您无须为了贷款多次往返银行,我们将为银行提供您所有的文件和资料。
  • 我们可以在您方便的地点为您提供服务。
  • 我们不会从对您的服务中收取任何的报酬,而是从银行获取佣金。
  • 我们将为您“量身定制”适合您的贷款计划(贷款方式,贷款期限,贷款利息,相关花费),最大限度地保护您的资产。

Mortgage Broker团队:


  • 房屋贷款
  • 投资贷款
  • 养老金贷款(包括个人管理养老金建立)
  • 汽车贷款
  • 个人贷款
  • 商业设备贷款
  • 生活贷款(比如喷气式滑雪板,微型单座汽车,摩托车等)
  • 商业及各类保险

Business Accountancy CPA 简介:

Business Accountancy CPA会计师事务所是 由NevilleHalloran和Bruce Wilson成立于1985年,现位于昆士兰州布里斯班的EastBrisbane区。作为一家中型的会计师事务所,我们的团队一共拥有10名优秀的会计师,具有澳大利亚注册会计师执照(CPA),是澳大利亚税务局(ATO)的注册税务代理机构(Tax Agent)。我们公司主要提供的业务范围包括:个人、公司、信托税务服务(Taxation),公司构架规划(businessstructure),自助养老金管理(SMSF),GST以及BAS申报等。我们致力于为您提供个性化、可靠、专业、迅速的服务,在遵循法律法规的前提下,最大限度地保护您的财产和利益。


John Halloran (英文服务)

MFAA Certified Mortgage and Business Loan Broker
Director Exceptional Finance
ASIC Credit Representative Number: 470 420

联系电话:0407 903 654

Lynn Weng (中文服务)

Chinese Customer Relationship Manager; Assistant of John Halloran

联系电话:0421 506 210


地址:108 Wellington Road, East Brisbane 4169
电话:(07) 3249 8000

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回复置顶码: 770460

 楼主| Lynnweng55 发表于 2015-10-23 14:41:17 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
Exceptional Finance and Business Accountancy

Want a great home loan?

Why walk into a bank when you can visit us and choose a loan from many different banks?
We can find you a great loan from every reputable bank in Australia. This includes:

Why Use A Mortgage Broker:

Choice: By visiting us and not a bank, you will have the choice of hundreds of loan products from seventeen different banks and non-bank lenders. This will allow you find an absolutely great loan for you situation.
Cost: Our services are at no direct cost to you. We are paid by a lender after we write a loan for them. Instead of the bank paying a bank manager afterwards they pay us.
Convenience: We do not work bank hours. We are happy to work at any time required in order to satisfy you, that includes late at night and weekends.
Competitive: We are not aligned with any particular bank. Therefore we can present the most competitive and best performing loan to you without any bias.
Why choose Exceptional Finance and Business Accontantcy?

1.        Service you can trust. - We have been in operation with both local and Chinese staff for over 40 years.
2.        We are a small organisation which allows us to look after our clients and be very quick and efficient.
3.        We know Australian laws.
4.        Because we are both a mortgage broker and an accountancy firm, meaning we can take care of everything for you from start to finish.
5.        We can compare the interest rates from every reputable bank in Australia.
6.        “How much can I borrow?” We can calculate your borrowing power in a few minutes, just call us.
7.        You don’t have to run around town when applying for a loan, we can provide all of your documents and paperwork to the bank.
8.        We can go to your home and meet you there.
9.        We do not charge you for our service, the bank will pay us instead.
10.        We can customise the loan to your financial goals including loan term, fees, interest rate, and potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars over 30 years.

Types of Loans:
1.        Home loans
2.        Investment Loans
3.        Superannuation Fund Loans including Superfund setup.
4.        Very competitive car loans
5.        Personal loans
6.        Business equipment loans
7.        Lifestyle loans: Jet Skis, Golf buggies, Go-Karts, motorbikes etc.
8.        Business Insurance

Company Profile:
Business Accountancy and Exceptional Finance was established as a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) in 1985 by Neville Halloran and Bruce Wilson. Business Accountancy specialises in taxation and Australian business structures to protect assets and minimise tax in a legal manner.
Our current focus at Business Accountancy is to utilise our members' extensive practical experience in committing to business startup for overseas clients in Australia. With our knowledge of Australian tax law, company law, and extensive practical experience in these areas, we are fully committed in our endeavours to provide the highest quality service to our clients. This ideal is not only focused on overseas business settling in Australia, but is also focused on assisting Australian clients who plan to open businesses in South Korea, Japan and China. The focus is on property development, meat industry and education industries.

All the best,

John Halloran
MFAA Certified Mortgage and Business Loan Broker
Director Exceptional Finance
ASIC Credit Representative Number: 470 420

108 Wellington Road, East Brisbane 4169
(07) 3249 8000

Current Panel Of Lenders:
CBA - NAB - ANZ - Firstmac - StGeorge - Macquarie - ING - Adelaide Bank - Suncorp - Bank Of Queensland - Pepper Loans - ME Bank - Heritage Bank - Bluestone - Resimac - Thinktank - Centrepoint Finance.

 楼主| Lynnweng55 发表于 2015-10-27 10:49:57 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
 楼主| Lynnweng55 发表于 2015-10-29 09:30:16 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
本帖最后由 Lynnweng55 于 2015-10-29 09:31 编辑


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 楼主| Lynnweng55 发表于 2015-11-3 08:55:09 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
 楼主| Lynnweng55 发表于 2016-1-12 08:45:55 来自手机 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖



回复置顶码: 770460

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